\n apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1\nkind: ClusterIssuer\nmetadata:\n annotations:\n name: letsencrypt-webapprouting\nspec:\n acme:\n email: admin@contoso.com\n privateKeySecretRef:\n name: letsencrypt-webapprouting\n server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory\n solvers:\n ...
linux node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: "true" node-role.kubernetes.io/master: "true" node.kubernetes.io/instance-type: k3s name: waveland resourceVersion: "3046721" uid: 01c1b42a-9be3-4493-b35c-63ff3d2495d5 spec: podCIDR: podCIDRs: - - 2001:cafe:42...
name:mypodspec:volumes: -name:my-volumeemptyDir:medium:"Memory"-name:secret-volumesecret:secretName:mysecretcontainers: -image:k8s.gcr.io/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.9volumeMounts: -name:my-volumemountPath:/tmpfsdir-name:secret-volumemountPath:"/etc/secrets"command: -sleep-"36000"name:my...
Then, I had to restart a pod–and lost my gitea installation. I didn’t enable persistent storage on my gitea deployment. Well to do that, I need to check the CSI drivers. There’s the defaultlocal-path, but that doesn’t allow my pods to move. Since Rancher makes both K3s and Lon...
It is curious that only a single OSD pod would be affected. All the OSDs have the same pod specs for the startup probe, perhaps there is sometimes an issue with the ceph admin socket not initializing properly. As a workaround, please try disabling the startup probe in the CephCluster CR...
Could you get the logs from the image that is crashing please? I wonder if there is something like apparmor or selinux making it impossible for Calico to write binaries in/host/opt/cni/bin. We should see that in the logs Sorry, something went wrong. ...
Using a pipe in Linux, allows you to send the output of one command to the input of another command. For example: cat /etc/services | wc -l Fix the following commands: sed "s/1/2/g' /tmp/myFile find . -iname *.yaml -exec sed -i "s/1/2/g" {} ; sed 's/1/2/g' ...
how to make sure CRD successfully registered before CSI node daemonset pod to create the instance? you can install the CSI controller Pod first, let all required CRDs to register and wait for complete initialization and then deploy CSI Node Daemonset pods. Could it possible to add a retry log...