acer brands windows 10 pro installation no hard drive detected - nitro an515-57-790l member posts: 3 new user hello. i have bought a brand new acer nitro laptop nitro an515-57-790l (nh.qccex.002). i started installing windows 10 pro from disc using a mobile dvd driver. however, ...
Restart your computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings (usually by pressing a key like F2, F10, DEL, or ESC during boot). Navigate to the section that displays connected storage devices or SATA configuration. Check if your hard drive is detected in the BIOS/UEFI. If...
If your hard drive is detected by BIOS then using the “clean” command will format the hard drive and set the NTFS file format. You will lose any data that was saved in the hard disk so use this method if you are absolutely sure you don’t need the data in the hard drive. Insert...
If there are no warnings and everything is fine with the drive, you can use any of the methods below to fix the “no hard drive detected” problem. 3. Work with BIOS The easiest way to deal with this problem is to check / reset the BIOS configuration. First, you need to make ...
2、pri slave drive-ATAPI LNCOMPatible press F1 to Resume 可能是你的光驱没接好或有故障,最好在CMOS中将各IDE口设为自动。3、Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP 开机后 按DEL 进入 BIOS ,在选择软驱中选择 NONE 后按F10保存就可以了 4、CMOS checksum error-Defaults loaded Press F1...
Unfortunately the new setup did not chance anything. SSD is still always detected on a fresh boot and not found whenever restarting windows. I update all available software recommended by vantage plus all windows updates. Any help is highly appreciated!
Insert the USB flash drive containing the BIOS file into the device and ensure that the power cable is connected. Power on the device, and the system will automatically complete the BIOS update process. Note: If the device directly enters the ASUS Firmware Update (ASUS EZ Flash) screen after...
You can first check the hard drive connected to make sure that the bootable hard drive can be detected by your computer. Then, set the boot order in BIOS, fix corrupted MBR, system files, and bad sectors with Windows installation CD. Important: When your computer fails to boot, you need...
In the BIOS, the controller was determined and the disks on it are visible in the photo. When installing hpenlog shows only two ports and one drive. motherboard gigabit H170n-wi-fi. I install via Redpill Loader. Is it possible to load drivers there when building the bootloader? Can som...
as you told but no succes, still no bootable device and no hdd in bios. when i push f9 and then f10 it shows acer on the screen but it never gets past that screen. 0 >>>could i maybe still save the documents it by connecting it to another la...