hard disk not detected 意思是未检测到硬盘,No bootable device --insert boot disk and press any key continue 意思是无可启动设备——插入启动盘,然后按任意键继续。就是说硬盘出问题了,要么硬盘坏了,要么数据线或电源线未接好或坏了。自己插拔下数据线和电源线,如果问题依旧,建议送维修店。
联想电脑开机进bios显示 hard disk:not detected 是硬盘坏了吗,还是因为接触不良?原因是这样的,这几天比较热,电脑很烫,我就拿个打火机垫在电脑下面,形成一个大一点的空隙,然后用风扇帮助降温,结果打火机爆炸了,后来电脑运行越来越慢,卡死了直接拔电池,后来开机bios显示 hard disk:not detected,还有得救吗,我怀疑...
BIOS will not be able to detect a hard disk when the hard drive data cable is damaged or improperly connected. If the serial ATA or SATA drivers are not properly installed, the hard disk is not enabled in BIOS, the hard drive keeps spinning up, or the hard drive is corrupted, failing,...
So I got a new SSD, but the computer still doesn't recognize the drive (the bios has: hard drive - not detected). The laptop has an additional slot for a SSD, so I tried using the other one instead (tried every variation of drives in slots... well, except of n...
不是应该,而是已经挂了,第三图很明确,hard disk是not detected,没有检测到,如果保内,直接送售后吧。
1)开机后运行Disk Edit命令,从菜单Tools中点取CONFIGURATION项,将Read Only项取消,2)从下拉菜单O-biect中选取Driver项,将Hard Disk类型设置为Physical Disk,点击OK项确定;3)从Ob-ject菜单中选取Partition Table项,将接在完好硬盘上的信号线拔下,接到待修硬盘上,点击OK项确定。4)选择Hard Disk1点击OK项确定,再...
I have tried booting from WINDOWS CD ..tried to go into recovery console and also tried to set up windows but nothing worked it says the same thing no hard disk detected... I am really very upset and dont know what to do. Is it my hard drive which has gone.. PLEASE...
BIOS中SATA1~6都显示not detected(未检测到)。 BIOS中SATA1~6都显示not detected(未检测到)。我6个插口挨个试了多边,有一次SATA4 显示hard disk.后来6个接口一直都是not detected。 通电先感受硬盘电机是否转动。如果没有震动感,更换硬盘的电源线试下。如果更换硬盘电
解决方法如下:1、尝试进入BIOS,在Information界面,看看Hard Disk选项,如果是Not Detected(未发现或者未检测到),直接进行第二步。如果该位置是硬盘型号,尝试恢复BIOS默认设置。2、重新插拔下硬盘数据线和电源线,保证接触良好。3、如果问题还不能解决,可以尝试下重建C盘MBR记录。