The meaning of NO-FLY ZONE is an area where military airplanes are not allowed to fly during a conflict or war.
Define No fly zone. No fly zone synonyms, No fly zone pronunciation, No fly zone translation, English dictionary definition of No fly zone. n. Airspace in which certain aircraft, especially military aircraft, are forbidden to fly. American Heritage® D
no-fly zone in the Airforce topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Airforce: words, phrases and expressions | Airforce
禁飞区,也称为No-fly zone,通常有两种含义。首先,主权国家在特定情况下,可能出于国家安全考虑,对本国领空内的特定区域实施飞行限制,如军事基地、政府机构、重要设施(如核电厂、水库)以及火箭发射场和航天基地上空。这类禁飞区的设立,是国家主权行使的体现,对于本国从事国际航班的航空器和其他国家...
a no-fly zone:禁飞区idiom "You are flying in restricted airspace, I repeat, this is ano-fly zone!" 进一步了解… 仍然觉得使用“No-fly zone”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧! 免费试用 他们的意见 : 乐趣 维克多(德国,科隆) ...
The meaning of NO FLIES ON is —used to describe someone as quick to understand things and not easily fooled. How to use no flies on in a sentence.
《no fly zone》篮球专业术语:禁飞区,禁飞区一般是三秒区的范围。三秒区是一个为了限制进攻方球员在有利进攻位置滞留时间过长而从球场地面划出的区域。 哈哈哈,有一首歌专门写给棣棣最爱的篮球运动 “我突破...
英闻解码:no-fly zone推荐视频 03:11 打开APP阅读 哈尔滨冰雪大世界亚洲冰雕建筑群惊艳中外游客06:17 打开APP阅读 黄金再创新高,但黄金个股很分化,给我们哪些投资启示? 01:59 打开APP阅读 罢免国民党立委案件逾30案 朱立伦批民进党拼政治 03:08 打开APP阅读 记者连线|受季节性气候影响 格陵兰岛经济不景气正在...
网络禁航区;禁飞区 网络释义
no-fly zone•In the south the enforcement of ano-fly zoneby western aircraft has raised the possibility of a Shia secession.•S.-enforcedno-fly zone.•A secondno-fly zonecovers the Kurds in the north of the country.•However, those ships can not enforce theno-fly zone....