The meaning of NO-FLY ZONE is an area where military airplanes are not allowed to fly during a conflict or war.
The meaning of FLEE is to run away often from danger or evil : fly. How to use flee in a sentence.
As U.S. aircraft assisted in NATO's enforcement of a no-fly zone above Bosnia-Herzegovina, Capt. Scott O'Grady was shot down in his aircraft and rescued about a week later. U.S. fighter planes engaged in NATO strikes against the Bosnian Serb Army, which were threatening areas the U.N...
There is, of course, no doubt that the climate news is terrifying and getting worse. However, much of the data is open to interpretation, even among leading experts in the field. As an example, Michael Mann, whose reputation as a climate scientist is virtually unsurpassed, and who has been...
You're enjoying a peaceful hike in the woods surrounded by lush greenery including a lone tree with a red marking spray painted on its trunk. It's easy to dismiss as the work of vandals (ugh, why can't everyone enjoy the woods like you?!?), but the paint might be a more serious ...
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There is one color, however, that you should always been looking for no matter where you're hiking. Canva What Does A White Circle On A Tree Mean? One of the color warnings that should be considered to be more on the serious end of the system is white. ...
The meaning of NO FLIES ON is —used to describe someone as quick to understand things and not easily fooled. How to use no flies on in a sentence.
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