在Apple Music 上欣赏安德烈・普列文 & 伦敦交响乐团的《Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64, Act I: No. 1, Introduction》。1987年。时长:2:45
Strangely enough, I went looking for that cassette in the bins under the bed where we store out old cassettes, and I did not find the un-cased tape in a quick search. Given how I don’t tend to get rid of anything, I presume it’s there or misplaced, but I don’t doubt I stil...
Love & Debtwobbles a good bit in the final act, as the film slips into fairly worn clichés and more than onedeus ex machinamoment. It becomes hard to feel sympathy for Henry, who seems to blame everyone but himself for his debts and the lengths he goes to conceal them, or for Karen...
Presenting an overview of Shakespeare’s Hamlet play, including quick facts, a plot summary, a character review, setting summary, answers to commonly asked questions about Hamlet and links to more indepth reviews. Quick Hamlet Facts MY LATEST POSTS When was Hamlet written? 1601 What type of pla...
The article analyses Michael Jackson’s album Thriller and Prince’s movie Purple Rain. We explore their camp aesthetics and their recasting of the cultural representations of the black male. Jackson’s and Prince’s performative personas are both libera
9 Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64, Act 1, Scene 2: No. 21, Love DanceJohn Pritchard 10 Pictures at an Exhibition, M. A 24: XI. The Great Gate of KievJohn Pritchard 查看更多 相似歌曲 APT.ROSÉ,Bruno Mars 无人扶我青云志Copo Yel 失忆(Cover 张志宇)船长 安和桥(完整版)EchoStar 如...
Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64 (Excerpts): Act I, Scene 2, No. 11: Arrival of the GuestsEsa-Pekka Salonen 9 Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64 (Excerpts): Act I, Scene 2, No. 19: The Balcony SceneEsa-Pekka Salonen 10 Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64 (Excerpts): Act I, Scene 1, No. 7: Interlu...