Whose no-fault is it anyway? (No-fault car insurance)Spiro, PeterMirvish, Daniel
Living in a state with no-fault insurance doesn't mean you can drive without insurance. If you have an accident and carry no insurance, you can be held accountable for the damages.
In cases of serious functional impairment, the no-fault system forces you to pursue two separate legal actions. As you might expect, you have a tort case, also called a civil lawsuit, against the at-fault driver and his or her insurance company. But if you need more than...
“No-fault insurance is intended to reduce the demands on the court system associated with car accident-related lawsuits. States with no-fault laws generally allow you to sue for severe injuries or pain and suffering only when damages meet certain thresholds. A typical no-fault car insurance pol...
Compare car insurance quotes from 50+ providers in a single search. Start saving money today on the premiums you pay. Fault determination rules for collisions Someone is always at fault. Accidents aren't really "accidents" they're collisions, and they don't just happen. Someone will be blamed...
Pointing to possible negative impacts for the insurance market and drivers, Gov. Ron DeSantis late Tuesday vetoed a long-sought effort by legislators to end the state’s no-fault auto insurance system.
Around 25% of all Florida drivers already drive with no insurance. If that number goes up -- a possible result of the no-fault bill -- some experts fear that rates for people who do buy insurance will go up in the long run.
Florida No-Fault Insurance: Ten Years of Judicial Interpretation The Florida Automobile Reparations Reform Act has been inplace for ten years.1 Although the statement of purpose in the Act itselfis terse,2 the Florida Supreme Court, reviewing the constitutionality ofthe Act, gave an enumeration of...
ˌno-ˈfault adjective [only before noun] law 1 a no-fault divorce is one in which both people agree not to be married any longer and do not have to say whose fault this is2 no-fault car insurance will pay for the damage done in an accident, even if you caused the accident...
Why no-fault insurance is bad? The pros of no-fault insurance are thatit ensures quick claim payouts after an accident and reduces the number of lawsuits for minor injuries. The cons of no-fault insurance are that it raises car insurance premiums and makes it difficult for drivers to receive...