When you implement The No Complaining Rule you’ll spend less time and energy on problems and more time focused on solutions. “Get off the complain train and read this book!” What Others Are SayingVIEW MORE BOOKS ALL BOOKS The One Truth LEARN MORE The Power of a Positive Team LEARN ...
The No Complaining RuleGordon, JonGordon, JonJohn Gordon, "The No Complaining Rule", John Wiley & sons, 2008.
These days, it is difference in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries. It is not just farmers who are complaining. An electric razor that meets the European Un
and never let up on the throttle— we just might be able to swing the needle back from Catastrophe to mere Disaster. If we cut carbon emissions by half over the
The court went on to cite the five proving elements of the tort, including the truth or falsity of the statement and whether the complaining party actually sustained damages.Without offering any citation, the court defined "dirtbag" as "an informal term" meaning "a dirty, grimy, sleazy, or ...
Description To complement the original no-unused-private-class-members rule which works with typescript but doesn't detect the private keyword: Private class members that are declared and not used anywhere in the code are most likely an ...
I don't understand where you got that from. The only fact so many people are complaining here is because probably everyone uses the shareable config because they are incredibly helpful. I really do appreciate them. Please understand that I'm not coming from a hostile position. I ask you to...
Stop Sign: No one encouraged to stop ever what it should be not. No stop required, but maybe you see one anyway. Yield: If someone crossing path, you begin slowly only. No speed limit here. Everyone careful is mine too. Housefrau: Manages big ideals against having just a home to care...
I soon began to learn from his Protestant “wisdom” that the world was soon going to end, that Jesus was a Jew and was coming back to save him in an event called the rapture, where he would be taken up into the air and rule the world with 144,000 of his closest friends, but ...
but if the scientists say “well, we think we may be heading for trouble” you might not get the same sign up as running around shouting “the sky is falling!”… so you (probably encouraged by politicians who will see it as The New Religion to help control the proles!) massage the ...