The No Complaining RuleGordon, JonGordon, JonJohn Gordon, "The No Complaining Rule", John Wiley & sons, 2008.
In the process of battling her own adversity she discovers The No Complaining Rule and other positive ways to save her company and herself from ruin.” In the spirit of his international best selling book, The Energy Bus, Jon Gordon once again shares an inspiring and enlightening story that ...
They were those rarities, men who had refused to accept the rule of organized society, men who refused the dominion of other men. There was no force, no mortal man who could bend them to their will unless they wished it. They were men who guarded their free will with wiles and murder....
“I trust you’re not complaining,” I said. “No way! I know better than to complain,” he responded with a rueful grin. “You’d just beat me again, even harder.” “You’re learning,” I told him. “And by the way, if Simon and Phil don’t go for a caning, I’ll be ...
“Yeh. I’m not complaining about getting my hide tanned, ‘cos I was out when I’d been told not to; but the fact that that old turd made sure I got caned and probably enjoyed thinking of me getting my arse lashed – that hurts even more than the cane!” I admitted angrily. “...
explorers who have thrived at high latitudes and at high altitudes haven’t usually been men of great speed. They have tended instead to demonstrate unusual self-possession, a considerable capacity for boredom, and a talent for what the Scots call ‘tholing’, the uncomplaining endurance of ...
1.not admitting of compromise; making no concessions; unyielding. 2.undeviating in one's belief or adherence to a principle, point of view, etc. [1820–30] un•com′pro•mis`ing•ly,adv. un•com′pro•mis`ing•ness,n. ...
complainant lodged a complainantsorehead complaining about air complaining subscribe complaint manager complaint regarding l complaintsclaimsandad complement activation complement antibody complement deviation complementary bipolar complementary error f complementary geometr complementary mechani complementary rule comple...
Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. 只有人,生下时啼哭,活著时抱怨,去世时失望。 Man has not a greater enemy than himself. 人之大敌,自己而已。 Man is a tool-using animal. 人是用器之兽。 Man is mortal. 人生谁无死。 Man is not the creature of circumstances...
complain about high p complaining customer complaint about wrong complaint visit complaisance complanata yi compleet complement and carry complement binding complement of ones complement predicate complementair complemental air complementary dc ampl complementary dnacdna complementary law complementary medicin comple...