“ ubuntu 上安装 Qt Desktop 版本后,配置工程时提示 "No CMake configuration found!" 这是因为缺少cmake,安装cmake 及 libgl-dev sudo apt install cmake sudo apt install libgl-dev 1. 2.
针对你遇到的“no cmake configuration found”问题,我为你整理了以下可能的解决步骤。这些步骤将帮助你逐一排查并解决问题。 检查是否已安装CMake 首先,确保你的系统中已经安装了CMake。你可以通过在命令行中输入以下命令来检查CMake是否安装以及其版本信息: bash cmake --version 如果系统提示CMake未安装或找不...
1. :-1: error: CMake project configuration failed. No CMake configuration for build type "Debug" found.(1) 最新评论 1. Re::-1: error: CMake project configuration failed. No CMake configuration for build type "Debug" found. 我的本身就是Qt自带的呢,换不了哦 ,还是会报错 --猪猪猪猪...
How I fixed “CMake configuration has no path to C++ compiler” in QT Creator Posted bydmitriano|QT| CMakedid not work and there was a yellow triangle at the left side of MSVC2019 kit name: I fixed this buy changingC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC...
Under Tools > Options > Build & Run > CMake, the auto-detected System CMake is found at /usr/bin/cmake should I be changing this to some other path, @vharron? Everything runs smoothly when playing, it's only the fact that when debugging that QtCreator skips my set breakpoints along...
> set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) > message("BOOST_ROOT = $ENV{BOOST_ROOT}" ) > include_directories($ENV{BOOST_ROOT}) > # walk the tests directory to run tests > add_subdirectory(tests) > > #2 looks like > ENABLE_TESTING()
CMakeTargets 코드 CodeActivity CodeAnalysisWindow CodeCoverage CodeCoverageDisabled CodeDefinitionWindow CodeErrorRule CodeHiddenRule CodeInformation CodeInformationError CodeInformationPrivate CodeInformationRule CodeInformationWarning CodeLens CodeMetrics CodeReview CodeReviewDashboard CodeReviewWizard CodeSuppressedRul...
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install To create a self-contained Qt Creator installation, including all dependencies like Qt and LLVM, additionally run cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/qtcreator_install --component Dependencies ...
和add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ...,因此一旦生成了根构建系统,就可以执行cmake --build <build...
解决办法 在CMakeLists.txt中使用set(OpenCV_DIR "D:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib") 设置OpenCV目录, 如果根据网络上的文章设置为set(OpenCV_DIR "D:/opencv/build") 就