1. NMR溶剂与杂质化学位移表.pdf,Notes J. Org. Chem., Vol. 62, No. 21, 1997 7513 Table 1. 1H NMR Data proton mult CDCl (CD ) CO (CD ) SO C D CD CN CD OD D O 3 3 2 3 2 6 6 3 3 2 solvent residual peak 7.26 2.05 2.50 7.16 1.94 3.31 4.79 H2O s 1.56 2.84a 3.33a
show their degree of variability.Occasionally,in order to distinguish between peaks whose assignment was ambiguous,a further1-2μL of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again.Table1.1H NMR Data proton mult CDCl3(CD3)2CO(CD3)2SO C6D6CD3CN CD3OD D2O solvent residual peak7....
“extra peaks” in a variety of commonly used NMRsolvents, in the hope that this will be of assistance tothe practicing chemist.Experimental SectionNMR spectra were taken in a Bruker DPX‑300 instrument(300.1 and 75.5 MHz for1 H and 13 C, respectively).Unlessotherwise indicated, all were ...
“extra peaks” in a variety of commonly used NMR solvents, in the hope that this will be of assistance to the practicing chemist. Experimental Section NMR spectra were taken in a Bruker DPX-300 instrument (300.1 and 75.5 MHz for 1
HOD Peaks - NMR spectra of “neat” deuterated solvent always exhibit a peak due to H20 in ...
showtheirdegreeofvariability.Occasionally,inorder todistinguishbetweenpeakswhoseassignmentwas ambiguous,afurther1-2µLofaspecificsubstratewere addedandthespectrarunagain. Table1. 1 HNMRData protonmultCDCl3(CD3)2CO(CD3)2SOC6D6CD3CNCD3ODD2O solventresidualpeak7.262.052.507.161.943.314.79 H2Os1.562.84 a ...
We therefore decided to collect 1H and 13C chemical shifts of what are, in our experience, the most popular “extra peaks” in a variety of commonly used NMR solvents, in the hope that this will be of assistance to the practicing chemist. Experimental Section NMR spectra were taken in a ...
1. NMR溶剂和杂质化学位移表
13、between peaks whose assignment wasambiguous a further 1 -2 “L of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again.Table 2 IJC NMR Data-CDCls(CDO2CO (CDO2SOCD<NCDxOD0:0Notesdimelhyl sulfoxide dioxaneethanolf'H(HCHj.CH?ethylacetatecHxCO363031.45J0.766771418.415 2s21.0436dT31.03...
NMR spectra show the use of deuterated RNA sample to reduce the number of cross-peaks for stem-loop B of DENV4 virus [12] and through-bond NMR experiments used for sequential assignment of ε priming loop of hepatitis B virus [13]. NMR spectra are reprinted with permission from Refs. [...