NMR Solvent Peaks is a conveniently-searchable version of the ungainly table of NMR data most organic chemists keep a copy of nearby. Instead of searching throu…
NMR Solvent show their degree of variability.Occasionally,in order to distinguish between peaks whose assignment was ambiguous,a further1-2μL of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again.Table1.1H NMR Data proton mult CDCl3(CD3)2CO(CD3)2SO C6D6CD3CN CD3OD D2O solvent ...
NMR Solvent Peaks is a conveniently-searchable version of the ungainly table of NMR data most organic chemists keep a copy of nearby. Instead of searching through the table for a peak near your unidentified peak, just enter your solvent and the peak's multiplicity and location and you'll have...
1. NMR溶剂和杂质化学位移表
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1. NMR溶剂与杂质化学位移表.pdf,Notes J. Org. Chem., Vol. 62, No. 21, 1997 7513 Table 1. 1H NMR Data proton mult CDCl (CD ) CO (CD ) SO C D CD CN CD OD D O 3 3 2 3 2 6 6 3 3 2 solvent residual peak 7.26 2.05 2.50 7.16 1.94 3.31 4.79 H2O s 1.56 2.84a 3.33a
show their degree of variability.Occasionally,in order to distinguish between peaks whose assignment was ambiguous,a further1-2µL of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again.Table1.1H NMR Data proton mult CDCl3(CD3)2CO(CD3)2SO C6D6CD3CN CD3OD D2O solvent residual peak7....
13、between peaks whose assignment wasambiguous a further 1 -2 “L of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again.Table 2 IJC NMR Data-CDCls(CDO2CO (CDO2SOCD<NCDxOD0:0Notesdimelhyl sulfoxide dioxaneethanolf'H(HCHj.CH?ethylacetatecHxCO363031.45J0.766771418.415 2s21.0436dT31.03...
Occasionally, in order to distinguish between peaks whose assignment was ambiguous, a further 1-2 ?L of a specific substrate were added and the spectra run again. 7514 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 62, No. 21, 1997 Table 2. CDCl3 solvent signals CO CH3 acetone CO CH3 acetonitrile CN CH3 ...
“ext r a peaks” in a var iet y of commonly used NMR solvent s, in t he hope t hat t his will be of assist ance t o t he pr act icing chemist . Experi mental Secti on NMR spect r a wer e t aken in a Br uker DPX-300 inst r ument ...