CNMR谱基础 二、化学位移chemicalshift •化学位移范围:0~250ppm;核对周围化学环境敏感,重叠少 •氢谱与碳谱有较多共同点;•碳谱化学位移规律:(1)高场低场 碳谱:饱和烃碳、炔烃碳、烯烃碳、羧基碳氢谱:饱和烃氢、炔氢、烯氢、醛基氢;(2)与电负性基团相连,化学位移向低场移动;3 碳谱(13C-NMR...
三价磷Phosphorous(III)ChemicalShiftTable CompoundChemicalShift(ppm) Relativeto85%H3PO4 PMe3-62 PEt3-20 PPr(n)3-33 PPr(i)3+19.4 PBu(n)3-32.5 PBu(i)3-45.3 PBu(s)3+7.9 PBu(t)3+63 PMeF2245 PMeH2-163.5 PMeCl2+192
NMR Chemical Shift Table for Sebastenoic Acid.Laura M. SanchezWeng Ruh WongRomina M. RienerChristopher J. SchulzeRoger G. Linington
Chemical Shift Table4.3.3各类化合物的13C化学位移1饱和碳的化学位移值饱和烷烃:饱和烷烃的碳为sp3杂化,其化学位移值一般在2.555ppm。与1H NMR相似,也可进行经验计算,这里不做详细介绍。2烯碳的化学位移值烯碳为sp2杂化,其化学位移为100165ppm。3炔烃的化学位移值 炔基碳为sp杂化,其化学位移介于sp3与sp2杂化碳...
The solvent chemical shifts3 were obtained from the spectra Results containing the solutes, and the ranges of chemical shifts Proton Spectra (Table 1). A sample of 0.6 mL of the solvent, containing 1 μL of TMS,1 was first run on its (2) I.e., the signal of the proton for the ...
13CNMR核磁共振碳谱化学位移总览表 4.1 核磁共振碳谱的特点 13C核磁共振谱的信号是1957年由P.C.Lauterbur首先观察到 的。碳是组成有机物分子骨架的元素,人们清楚认识到13CNMR对于化学研究的重要性。由于13C的信号很弱,加之1H核的偶合干扰,使13CNMR信号变得很复杂,难以测得有实用价值的谱图。20世纪70年代...
We also ran sodium acetate andsodium formate (chemical shifts: 1.90 and 8.44 ppm,respectively).Carbon Spectra (Table 2). To each tube, 50 µL ofthe stock solution and 3 µL of TMS1were added. Thesolvent chemical shifts3were obtained from the spectracontaining the solutes, and the ...
We also ran sodium acetate and sodium formate (chemical shifts: 1.90 and 8.44 ppm, respectively). Carbon Spectra (Table 2). To each tube, 50 ?L of the stock solution and 3 ?L of TMS1 were added. The solvent chemical shifts3 were obtained from the spectra containing the solutes, and ...
Figure 1. Chemical shift of HDO as a function of temperature. Results Proton Spectra (Table 1). A sample of 0.6 mL of the solvent, containing 1 μL of TMS,1 was first run on its own. From this spectrum we determined the chemical shifts of the solvent residual peak2 and the water pe...