人脸关键点NME(Normalized Mean Error)是衡量人脸关键点检测算法性能的一项重要指标。在人脸关键点检测任务中,算法需要自动定位人脸上的关键点,如眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等,以实现面部分析和表情识别等应用。而NME指标则用于评估算法输出的关键点位置和真实位置之间的准确度。 NME指标具体是通过计算所有关键点位置的欧氏距离和真...
NMENormalized Mean Error NMENew Molecular Entities(US FDA New Drug Approval reports) NMENew Music Express(English weekly magazine) NMENational Marriage Encounter(counseling; various locations) NMENashville Mandolin Ensemble(Nashville, TN) NMENeisseria Meningitidis ...
Gel bands were quantified using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, imagej.net) and normalized to the experimental sample (set to 1.0). Statistical analyses were performed using Excel (Microsoft 365) to calculate the SD of the mean and unpaired Student t test with unequal variance....