代码中加入了异常处理机制,确保json文件解析正常,并能正确获取json数据字段。at方法用于捕获异常,但无法捕获jMessage["wifi_Name"]方法可能产生的异常,需单独处理。对于复杂json内容解析,需自定义结构体并重载to_json()函数,函数定义如下:void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const 结构体名& p)。此...
[" << __FILE__ \ << "::" << __LINE__ << " " << __FUNCTION__ << "] " << args \ << std::endl // a simple struct to model a person struct person { std::string name; std::string college; int heightWeight[2]; public: NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_INTRUSIVE(person, name, ...
访问链接:https://github.com/nlohmann/json 早期使用nlohmann库时,通过为每个结构体定义to_json和from_json方法,借助模板函数及ADL实现查找与调用。然而,对于大部分需求而言,简单结构体解析的实现显得冗余。通过新发现,nlohmann库于2020年3.9.0版本新增了简化JSON序列化与反序列化的宏。尽管我们自201...
std::is_constructible<nlohmann::json,T>::value, bool>::type = true> void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const A<T>& a) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string(typeid(T).name()) + " does not implement nlohmann's to_json"); } template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std:...
In languages such as Python, JSON feels like a first class data type. We used all the operator magic of modern C++ to achieve the same feeling in your code. Check out the examples below and you'll know what I mean. Trivial integration. Our whole code consists of a single header file ...
There is no default conversion betweenjsonandstd::pair. You need to provide translations from/to arrays. This would work: #include"json.hpp"usingjson = nlohmann::json;structPerson{ std::pair<int,int> position; };voidto_json( json& j,constPerson& d ) {//encode pair as a listj = jso...
JSON as first-class data type Serialization / Deserialization To/from strings To/from streams (e.g. files, string streams) Read from iterator range Custom data source SAX interface STL-like access Conversion from STL containers JSON Pointer and JSON Patch JSON Merge Patch Implicit conversions Arbit...
namespacens{classA{// 一些结构体变量}voidfrom_json(constjson&j,A&a){// 转换的代码}voidto_json(json&j,constA&a){// 转换的代码}} 2. 需要用到这些转换的功能时,相应的头文件必须被包含,否则也不能转换成功 3. 访问json的元素时,尽量使用at()方法而不要使用operator[], 因为如果当有key不存在...