parse json ex1 = json::parse(R"( { "pi": 3.141, "happy": true } )"); // Using user-defined (raw) string literals using namespace nlohmann::literals; json ex2 = R"( { "pi": 3.141, "happy": true } )"_json; // Using initializer lists json ex3 = { {"happy", true}, {...
通过在GitHub上创建一个帐户,为nlohmann/json的开发做出贡献。 - nlohmann/json是一个用于现代C++的JSON库。 - 具有直观的语法,易于集成,经过严格测试,并支持多种数据类型。 - 支持BSON、CBOR、MessagePack、UBJSON和BJData等二进制格式。 - 支持自定义类型的序列化和反序列化。 - 支持特殊化枚举类型的转换。 - 支...
nlohmann::json 是一个流行的C++ JSON库,它为现代C++(C++11及以上版本)提供了简单直观的JSON解析和生成功能。以下是关于nlohmann::json的GitHub仓库和相关信息的概述: GitHub仓库链接: nlohmann::json的GitHub仓库地址为:nlohmann/json。 使用文档与教程: GitHub仓库的README文件提供了详细的使用文档和教程,包括如何...
🍺 If you are using OS X andHomebrew, just typebrew tap nlohmann/jsonandbrew install nlohmann_jsonand you're set. If you want the bleeding edge rather than the latest release, usebrew install nlohmann_json --HEAD. Examples Beside the examples below, you may want to check thedocumentation...
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> // for convenience using json = nlohmann::json; to the files you want to process JSON and set the necessary switches to enable C++11 (e.g., -std=c++11 for GCC and Clang). You can further use file include/nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp for forward-declarations....
The installation of json_fwd.hpp (as part of cmake's install step), can be achieved by setting -DJSON_MultipleHeaders=ON. CMake You can also use the nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json interface target in CMake. This target populates the appropriate usage requirements for INTERFACE_INCLUDE_...
一款用于处理 JSON 的 C++ 库,它拥有简单的 API,使用方便和 100% 的测试。 Included in: Vol.09 Tags: JSON C++ Comments Not Used Used Rating: Submit No comments yetSign In Buy me a coffee expire in254D +1Y Recommend Refresh jakubfiala/atrament 1.6k JavaScript Dr-Noob/cpufetch 1.9k C ...
API网址: 源码网址: 这些页面包含JSON for Modern C ++的API文档,这是一个C ++ 11仅限标头的JSON类。 内容 类 basic_json - JSON值的类模板 json- 默认的特化basic_json,定义为basic_json<> 功能 物体检查 dump - 值...
openssl-devel python-develAll in one for MinGW: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-make mingw-w64-x86_64-capstone mingw-w64-x86_64-glfw mingw-w64-x86_64-glm mingw-w64-x86_64-file mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm mingw-w64-x86_64-nlohmann-json ...
Issues: nlohmann/jsonuse of overloaded operator '<=>' is ambiguous #4197 opened Oct 31, 2023 by nlohmann Open 9 Labels 39 Milestones 2 New issue Clear current search query, filters, and sorts 0 Open 0 Closed Author Label Projects Milestones Assignee Sort No results matched your search. ...