纯度规格:1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶产品类别:实验试剂 "NK-92MI[NK92MI]细胞:人恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞 细胞物种来源:人源或鼠源等其它物种来源 NK-92MI[NK92MI] Cell 细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书 162515-68-6 我常看到一个比较复杂的四步消化法,这个挺有意思,我也是次听说,应该是网友自己...
中文名称:NK-92MI[NK92MI] Cells:人恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞系英文名称:NK-92MI[NK92MI] Cells 保存条件:低温避光纯度规格:1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶 产品类别:实验试剂 "NK-92MI[NK92MI] Cells:人恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞系 ...
产品规格 5×105cells 有效成分含量 98% 是否进口 否 用途范围 仅供科研实验 包装规格 1kg 分类 细胞培养基 生长特性 贴壁细胞 可售卖地 全国 运输方式 活细胞/冻存 订货方式 联系我司客服 技术服务 免费技术支持 售后 售后服务证书 品牌 一研 产品名称 NK92MI细胞专用培养基 型号 EY-XY5201...
英文名称: YaJi cells 总访问: 175 国产/进口: 国产 半年访问: 5 产地/品牌: 雅吉生物 产品类别: 细胞株/菌种 规格: T25瓶/1*10^6 最后更新: 2025-1-2 货号: YS2246C 参考报价: 1800 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:微信新浪微博销售商: 上海...
其他细胞系 联系我们 021-60960387 sales@shgnsw.com 上海市奉贤区四团镇平港路883号 当前位置:首页 >> 产品中心 货号:CM-H400 规格:1×10^6 cells/瓶 基本信息 产品编号CM-H400 细胞名称NK-92MI (NK92MI)人恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞 ...
The cells were assayed for mycoplasma, by the Hoechst stain, PCR and the standard culture test, after a six-week period following treatment. All tests were negative. ATCC confirmed this cell line is positive for the presence of Epstein-Barr viral DNA sequences via PCR. 细胞传代步骤 如果细胞...
NK92-MI cellsSubstance PImmunoregulatorySubstance P (SP) has been well known by its immunoregulatory properties on the functions of NK cells. However, the changes of molecules involved in the signaling pathways and effects of these molecules of NK92-MI cells activated by SP remain unclear. In ...
NK92MI cellsThe rise of biologics that can stimulate immune responses towards the eradication of tumors has led to the evolution of cancer-based immunotherapy. Representatively, B7H6 has been recently identified as a protein ligand on tumor cells that binds specifically to the NKp30 receptor and ...
cells(NK92一MI)treated with SP(10-6mol/L, 10。Smol/L,lo-gmol/L,10~omol/L,10—2mol无,10-14mol/L)was detected by MTT methodandFACS. 3.the cytotoxicity ofNK92M1waschecked through MTr assay. 4.FACSwas applied tomeasurethe expression ...
如用冻存的单个核细胞复苏培养,请确认复苏单个核细胞的活率及状态。 2、接种密度问题请确保接种的密度在1.5-2x106cells/m L,过低密度会导致细胞前期增殖缓慢,无法达到补液要求。 3、血浆的处理及添加方式(1)血浆必须要56℃灭活30min,除去多余的纤维蛋白,...阅读全文 干细胞...