参考文献: 1.Exploring the NK cell platform for cancer immunotherapy. Nat RevClin Oncol. 2020 Sep 15. 2. K Cell-Based Immune Checkpoint Inhibition. Front. Immunol., 13February 2020 3. CAR-expressing NK cells for cancer therapy: a new hope. BiosciTrends. 2020 Sep 6. 4. Chimeric antigen ...
2022年5月30日,《Nature Reviews Immunology》杂志刊登了一篇名为“Roles of natural killer cells in immunity to cancer, and applications to immunotherapy”的综述,本文作者首先讨论了NK细胞在内源性疾病中的作用,及在内源性宿主对肿瘤细胞免疫反应中的作用;随后研究了NK细胞在临床前模型和临床中的治疗应用的最新...
研究表明,肿瘤微环境中NK细胞代谢改变可能是其功能受阻的一个重要因素。 2023年1月,哈佛医学院附属麻省总医院肿瘤研究中心的研究人员在Frontiers in Immunology(免疫学前沿)上发文“Natural killer cells suppress cancer metastasis by eli...
然而,来自渥太华大学的一项最新研究却发现了癌细胞的一种新能力——“催眠”NK细胞,血癌细胞会将带有PD-1的细胞膜转移给给NK细胞,使其进入“休眠”状态,从而抑制它们的抗癌活性。近日,该研究以:When killers become thieves: Trogocytosed PD-1 inhibits NK cells in cancer为题发表在了Science 子刊 Science ...
1. Chimeric antigen receptornatural killer (CAR-NK) cell design and engineering for cancer therapy. JHematol Oncol. 2021; 14: 73.2. Natural Born Killers: NK Cells in Cancer Therapy. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jul 31;12(8):2131 3. CAR-macrophage: A newimmunotherapy candidate against solid ...
PLURIPOTENT stem cellsIMMUNOTHERAPYBackground: Natural killer (NK) cells have gained considerable attention and hold great potential for their application in tumor immunotherapy. This is mainly due to their MHC-unrestricted and pan-specific recognition capabilities, as well as their ability to rapidly ...
[3] Letafati, A., Ardekani, O. S., Naderisemiromi, M., Norouzi, M., Shafiei, M., Nik, S., & Mozhgani, S. H. (2024). Unraveling the dynamic mechanisms of natural killer cells in viral infections: insights and implications. Virology Journal, 21(1), 18. ...
近日,该研究以:When killers become thieves: Trogocytosed PD-1 inhibits NK cells in cancer 为题发表在了Science子刊Science Advances上 。 人类与癌症的斗争是一个没有硝烟的战场,如果说癌细胞是凶神恶煞的敌人,那么自然杀伤(NK)细胞就是人体免疫系统中锋利的剑。然而,过度激活的NK细胞也会损害机体,NK细胞通常...
图片来源: Nat. Rev. Cancer , doi: 10.1038/nrc1252; 康橙投资 NK细胞源自CD34+造血祖细胞(Hematopoietic Progenitor cells, HPCs),发育为淋巴样祖细胞(Common Lymphoid Progenitor, CLP)后,逐渐下调CD34、上调CD56,进而发育为NK细胞(图2)。NK细胞主要存在于淋巴结、骨髓、外周血、肺、脾脏、肝脏等器官内;根据CD56...
Natural killer (NK) cells have a primordial role in tumour immunosurveillance. Given their potent antitumour activity, therapeutic manipulation of NK cells provides an attractive strategy for cancer treatment. A balance of inhibitory and stimulatory signals delivered by numerous receptors regulates NK cell...