Avoiding a DWI What To Do When Pulled Over For A DWI Alternatives to Jail DUI Strategies in NJ While every DUI case is uniquely different and no ethical attorney can guarantee results,NJ Drunk Driving Attorney Matthew Reisighas one of the best track records in the State for successful defense...
NJ Drunk Driving Attorney Matthew Reisighas one of the best track records in the State for successful defense for his clients arrested for Drunk Driving.Contact usfor a free consultation and see what a professional DWI Lawyer do for you after a drunken driving arrest....
When it comes to the process for expunging an arrest and/or charge that was dismissed from your record, there is going to be an automated expungement system for dismissals, acquittals, and discharges. In 2020, New Jersey approved new expungement legislation which stipulates that the record of ...
Driving while Intoxicated (DUI or DWI). While very serious, DUI charges in New Jersey are motor vehicle offenses not crimes. They are therefore handled in the Municipal Court for the town in which you were charged. I have been appointed as Municipal Prosecutor in 5 different municipalities. ...
A real pro in a time of need - DWI Dismissed. I want to thank The Tormey Law Firm for getting my DWI dismissed. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time could get you in serious trouble. As soon... Read More → Xavier ★★★ The most experienced, patient and affordable...
Traffic-Municipal-DUI/DWI Corporate law practice area legal advice is the application of abstract principles of law to the concrete facts. Expungement of Criminal Records I will work to do everything I can to keep your record clean, your license clean and make sure you get the minimum fine ...
NJ traffic ticket lawyers for speeding tickets, reckless driving, DWI, and other municipal court tickets. Call our attorneys for a free consultation.
Find insurance that you need with payments you can afford. Available low monthly payments, flexible reinstatements and competent claim settlement. Get rates for drivers with DUI/DWI, up to three accidents or those that have several violations on their driving records. We are your minimal limit sp...
Matthew Reisig, Attorney at Law (888) 628-8394 or locally at(732) 625-9660 — Additional Resources More onExpungements in New Jersey References: Howto Expunge your New Jersey Criminal Record TheNew Jersey code of criminal justice: N.J.S. 2C:52 – Expungement of Records ...
Officers Plead Guilty in DWI Police Corruption Probe in Albuquerque, New Mexico Two former Albuquerque police officers have agreed to plead guilty to federal charges of racketeering, extortion and accepting bribes in a sweeping corruption investigation into a scheme that allegedly...