New Jersey DUI RecordsDrivers who have committed DUI offenses can find them written in their DUI criminal records, which are part of the driver history abstracts issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. These documents may be required when you reinstate your driver’s license or if ...
New Jersey makes it a crime to drive a motor vehicle while drunk or while using drugs that impair driving faculties. In some states the offense is known as driving under the influence (DUI), but in the state of New Jersey it is called driving while intoxicated, or DWI.New Jersey's DUI...
Are arrest records public in New Jersey? All records relating to court, criminal, arrest, and the sex offender registry are publicly accessible. The main difference between arrest records and criminal records is that the arrest record solely shows the details of the arrest, not the conviction or...
New Jersey DWI attorney Matthew Reisig brings decades of DUI Defense experience & more than 1,402 DWI wins for NJ residents.
New Jersey DWI attorney Matthew Reisig brings decades of DUI Defense experience & more than 1,402 DWI wins for NJ residents.
New Jersey has different levels of DWI. Each level of DUI offense has its own set of penalties. There are three categories of DWI charges: first offense DWI, second offense DWI, and third or subsequent offense DWI. As you might expect, the penalties get more severe based on the number ...
DUI Punishments In New Jersey TheDUI punishmentsfacing people charged withdrinking and driving in NJare not light. Drivers face theloss of their NJ license, the impounding of their vehicle, stiff monetary fines and having their driving record tarnished for life. Because the NJ penalties and the ...
Do you need a DWI attorney in New Jersey? If so, call the DuiLawOfficeNewJersey right now to speak to one of our experienced lawyers. We will help you with your DWI, DUI, and test refusal case. Call today!
completing the necessary procedure associated with the expugement process, which entails filing of an expungement petition with the Superior Court of New Jersey and a series of subsequent steps, Mr. Tormey and his team have assisted countless clients with successfully expunging their criminal records...
Evan Levow is representing the DUI Defense Lawyers Association as Amicus in the New Jersey challenge to DRE (Drug Recognition Evaluation) in State v. Olenowski. At the heart of the case is the reliability, or lack thereof, of DRE to accurately assess someone to be under the influence of ...