the utilization of atmospheric nitrogen in the synthesis ofAMINO ACIDSby some bacteria. Such bacteria can be free-living (e.g.Azotobacter,an aerobe;Clostridium,an obligate anaerobe) while others (e.g.Rhizobium)live in association with plants, occupying swellings in the root calledroot nodules.The...
Nitrogen Fixation in Bacteria and Higher Plants. 1975. Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and BiophysicsAnimalsHumansMusclesMuscle ContractionBiophysicsBiophysical PhenomenaSarcoplasmic ReticulumThe Distribution of Gm Factors among the IgG Molecules within a Given Individual A test systemfor detecting a Gm or Inv...
Nitrogen fixation takes place in a wide variety of bacteria, the best known of which is rhizobium which is found in nodules on the roots of leguminous plants such as peas, beans, soya and clover. The essential constituents of this and all other nitrogen-fixing bacteria are: (i) adenosine ...
the latter includes nitrogen fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi. From:Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences,2003 Set alert About this page Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria ...
et al. Nitrogenase activity and nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with the roots ofAtriplex spp. growing in saline sodic soils of Pakistan. Biol Fertil Soils 9, 315–320 (1990). Download citation Received03 July 1989 Issue DateAugust 1990 DOIhttps://doi....
we study how different crop combinations influence the interaction between peanut plants and their rhizosphere microbiota via metabolite deposition and functional responses of free-living and symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Based on a long-term (8 year) diversified cropping field experiment, we find ...
Horizontal gene transfer of the Mer operon is associated with large effects on the transcriptome and increased tolerance to mercury in nitrogen-fixing bacteria Aditi Bhat, Reena Sharma, Kumaran Desigan, M. Mercedes Lucas, Ankita Mishra, Robert M. Bowers, Tanja Woyke, Brendan Epstein, ...
Rhizobia are soil bacteria that establish symbiotic relationships with legumes and fix nitrogen in root nodules. We recently reported that several nitrogen-fixing rhizobial strains, belonging to Rhizobium phaseoli, R. trifolii, R. grahamii and Sinorhizobium americanum, were able to colonize Phaseolus vu...
the total DNA of cultivated sludge taken from the bottom of the system was extracted by molecular biology methods.With the total DNA partial 16S rDNA sequence of ANAMMOX bacteria was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR)with a pair of specific primers Pla46rc/Amx820.Amplified product was ...
absorption and improve plant heath[174].Chemical fertilizerapplications can be reduced by using nitrogen-fixing bacteria, cutting production costs. With the ability to fix atmospheric N2, PGPRs provide moreorganic nitrogento the soil ecosystem along with other critical elements, reducing the input of ...