Nitrogen is found abundantly in the soil and in the ocean as a bioproduct of several species, and can also be distilled from air using industrial processes. It is also used as an inert gas whenever the use of oxygen would prove to be dangerous due to its higher reactivity with elements....
What is the relevance of biological nitrogen fixation with reference to global agriculture? Explain. Discuss nitrogen-fixing, nitrifying, and denitrifying bacteria, the main biochemical reactions they carry out, their role in nitrogen cycling, and the significance of such cycling in the ecosystems an ...
Cyanobacteria are the prokaryotes. These are also known as blue-green algae or Cyanophyta. The habitat of these Cyanobacteria is water. Some of the species are capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. They are often considered as algal members of lichens....
Among these responses, pH changes in meat products have been widely measured, since pH is known as an intrinsic factor that can both influence and change, depending on the growth of several spoilage-associated microorganisms [1,4,5]. For instance, the development of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)...