☞ Click for other data from this reference可以展示参考文献中其他XPS数据。 检索选定元素的XPS数据Retrieve Data for a Selected Element ☞①左侧菜单栏单击Retrieve Data for a Selected ElementàSelected Spectral Type and Element;②选择能量类型,例如常用的Binding Energy;③从元素周期表中单击要查找的元素,...
图三 4. 在图三中点击箭头指的小三角,出现图四中红色框的选项,XPS的数据一般都是结合能(即Binding Energy)的数据显示,选择图四红框里的Binding Energy,输入需要查找的值,第一个框输入大致的结合能,如图五中的284.8,第二个框输入偏差值,如图五...
(1)首先,输入以下网址:http://srdata.nist.gov/xps/main_search_menu.aspx点击该网址 (2)点击”Retrieve DataforaSelectedElement”,进入数据 主菜单 (3)选择数据类型,如“Bindingenergy”(结合能)点击选择你想查询的元素名称,如Mn (7)点击,选择您所收谱的光谱量子数,,如Mn2P3/2,然后点击search 注意...
General: Element: Formula: XPS Formula: Name: CAS Registry No: Classes: Citation: Author Name(s): Journal: Data Processing: Data Type: Line Designation: Quality of Data: Binding Energy (eV) Energy Uncertainty: Background Subtraction Method: Peak Location Method: Full Width at Half-maximum Inte...
(1)首先,输入以下 (2)点击该网址 (2)点击〞Retrieve DataforaSelected Element〞,进入数据 主菜单 (3)选择数据类型,如 “Bindingenergy〞〔结 合能〕 点击选择 你想查询 的元素名 称,如 Mn (7)点击,选择您所收谱的光谱量子 数,,如Mn2P3/2,然后点击search ...
蛛夸滦都抚蜕矮芥予亥寨潮啪治踊霉影冰努旁键乏贩叭亚行苦祁檀樊培岿XPS数据查询演示-NISTXPS数据查询演示-NIST (3)选择数据类型,如“Binding energy”(结合能) 点击选择你想查询的元素名称,如Mn 峭硼财戈逛望郑谆荚赏慢拥鹊缚张败欠娩税舅袱哼肇裔阁妖摈觅抢桂扼佯XPS数据查询演示-NISTXPS数据查询...
The technique known as XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) involves x-ray irradiation of surface samples under high vacuum. Electrons escaping from the samples are sorted and arranged to form a spectrum. A compilation of data for binding energy and kinetic energy of sample electrons from all ...
首先,输入以下网址:xpsmainsearchmenu.aspx 点击该网址2 点击Retrieve Data for a Selected Element,进入数据主菜单3选择数据类型,如Binding energy结合能点击选择你想查询
首先,输入以下网址: http:xpsmainsearchmenu.aspx 点击该网址,2 点击Retrieve Data for a Selected Element,进入数据主菜单,3选择数据类型,如Bi