用于剂量测定的X-射线衰减与吸收表(X-Ray Attenuation and Absorption for Materials of Dosimetric Interest), X-射线波型系数、衰减与散射表(X-Ray Form Factor,Attenuation and Scattering Tables), X-射线电光子分光光谱数据库(NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database), ...
X-Ray Attenuation and Absorption for Materials of Dosimetric Interest (Web, free access)X-Ray Form...
用于剂量测定的X-射线衰减与吸收表(X-Ray Attenuation and Absorption for Materials of Dosimetric Interest), X-射线波型系数、衰减与散射表(X-Ray Form Factor,Attenuation and Scattering Tables), X-射线电光子分光光谱数据库(NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database), ...
The data from these further documents had not been previously extracted for purposes of entering into the PCPDC x-ray attenuation measurement data base. Tables of the extracted data, are included in this report, with all photon energies converted to multiples of eV (electron volts), and all ...
Atomic Transition Probability Bibliographic Database (Web, free access)Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions (Web, free access)Basic Linear Algebra Computations in Java (JAMA) (Web, free access)Bibliography of Photon Total Cross Section (Attenuation Coefficient) Measurements (Web, free access)Biologica...
X-Ray Attenuation and Absorption for Materials of Dosimetric Interest (Web, free access) X-Ray Form Factor, Attenuation and Scattering Tables (Web, free access) NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database (Web, free access) X-Ray Transition Energies Database (Web, free access) ...
NIST: X-Ray Mass Attenuation CoefficientsHubbell, J.HSeltzer, S.M
用于剂量测定的X-射线衰减与吸收表(X-Ray Attenuation and Absorption for Materials of Dosimetric Interest), X-射线波型系数、衰减与散射表(X-Ray Form Factor,Attenuation and Scattering Tables), X-射线电光子分光光谱数据库(NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database), ...