去控制板子上的led,還有使用niosII console 去輸入值來操控led顯示。 實驗構想: 實驗一(板子上的switch作為輸入來控制led) step1:用qsys拉好niosii和板子上pl的連結 step2:在eclipse中將switch的address的值assgin給led的address的值 step3:燒上板子以後開關switch就會讓在其上的led也跟著開關 實驗二(使用...
step1:用qsys拉好niosii和板子上pl的連結 step2:在軟體中print 出hello_world和控制led閃爍 實作: 第一步: 1.在quartus中打開platform designer的頁面,然後主要用到的ip有五個 (1)nios processor(2)jtag uart(3)onchip_memory(4)system id peripheral(用於自動校驗的一個只讀模塊,用於確保軟件程序與Nios的硬...
Data[1] -> Use as regularr I/O DCLK -> Use as regular I/O FLASH_nCE/nCS0 -> Use as regular I/O You must check the device Pin-Out file for the Cyclone III device which you are using to make the following pins assignments: data0_to_the_epcs_controller -> DATA0 sdo_from the_...
IOWR(LEDG_PIO_BASE, 0, ledg); 將轉換後的ledg透過IOWR() macro寫入LED_PIO_BASE位址,這個位址正是LEDG所在的位址。 或許你會問,為什麼我知道LEDG_PIO_BASE呢? 因為在\DE2_NIOS_Lite_11_led\software\hello_world_0_syslib\Debug\system_description\system.h的265行 #define LEDG_PIO_NAME "/dev/...
=== The U-Boot source code is maintained in the git repository at git://www.denx.de/git/u-boot.git ; you can browse it online at http://www.denx.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=u-boot.git;a=summary The "snapshot" links on this page allow you to download tarballs of any version you...
async command result_t yellowOff(); async command result_t yellowToggle(); async command uint8_t get(); async command result_t set(uint8_t value); } 从该接口可以看出,该接口只有12个命令(command),没有事件(event)。LedsC组件就是实现该接口的命令。 因该接口大部分接口是类似的,故本文...
Hi, I load the DE2_NIOS_DEVICE_LED.sof programming file. Build and run the project; Plug in the USB cable on the USB device port on the DE2
Data[1] -> Use as regularr I/O DCLK -> Use as regular I/O FLASH_nCE/nCS0 -> Use as regular I/O You must check the device Pin-Out file for the Cyclone III device which you are using to make the following pins assignments: ...