结合图3d和3f来看,可得知-C-C键可溯源于碳包覆,而C=O键和C-O-C键则是基于碳包覆表面的氧化层。 Figure 3. a) Raman spectra of CC, IENiO-CC, and C@IENiO-CC. b) XPS survey spectrum and c) corresponding contents of Ni, O, C, and Mg of C@IENiO-CC. d-f) High-resolution XPS spe...
XRD peak profile study revealed that the average crystalline size and lattice parameters were increased by Y/Ho dual doping than pure NiO. FTIR results showed metal-oxygen vibrations. Raman peaks exhibited optical phonon modes shifting by dual doping. FESEM images showed nearly spherical nanoparticles...
Indirect experimental methods can help to test the loss of space inversion symmetry; for example, a recent Raman study9 observed additional phonon modes below the magnetic phase transition temperature, supporting a loss of inversion symmetry, but not all magnetic non-centrosymmetric materials are ...
Raman spectra measured Figure9illustrates the Raman spectra with the wave numbers ranging from 200 to 1000. The peaks for pure LiNbO3were observed at 258, 410, 510, 745 and 830 cm−1and were attributed to the LN phonon mode E transverse optical (TO). After being decorated with AgNPs, i...
From Raman investigation, structural characteristics of carbonaceous materials as well as the degree of disorder in functionalized CNTs and the composite. It showed that when NiO NPs decorated CNTs, the peak positions of main Raman characteristic peaks of graphite structure were red shifted to higher ...
18 A broad, extra peak at 23.6°, associated with the (002) graphitic plane, can be detected for C@NiO@Ni.25 Raman spectroscopy analysis was carried out to confirm further carbon formation on the surface of NiO@Ni foam (Fig. 2b). The Raman spectra revealed two distinct peaks: the G ...
The Raman spectrum exhibited the transformation of antiferromagnetic to superparamagnetic transition confirmed from the absence of magnon peak. The XPS spectrum presented the observation of Ni 2p and O 1s levels with higher intense peak nature for hydrothermal treated NiO than microwave. The hysteresis ...
Fig. 4. Raman spectra of GO and RGO. and the NO2 /N2 gas mixture, respectively. The resistance of sen-sors decreased when exposed to NO2 and nearly returned to its initial value after NO2 was eliminated, which indicates a reversible bonding between the NO2 molecule and NiO surface. ...
This peak is independent of the concentration of the oxygen vacancies (OV). The defects are positioned on the nanomaterial surface and might establish a series of energy levels within the energy band gap through electrons trapped from the valence band (EV) [36]. The peaks in the range of 2...
To determine the possible phase and composition changes during the activation process, we performed X-ray diffraction, Raman and XPS analyses on the NF and ANF. The X-ray diffractometry studies suggest that the main composition of NF and ANF is nickel, as no other peaks were detected for ...