@khululy You speak as if I said SCC was CT level, though I don't see why the games running at a slower speed makes them any less Sonic 1, 2, and 3 which is exactly the point I was trying to convey. SEGA could have made the game a DSi exclusive but they didn't and I appreci...
The Nintendo DSi XL handheld console with a 4.2-inch screen (about 93 percent increase in size from the original DSi's 3.25-inch screen) but resolution remains the same—192 by 256 pixels, which are spread over a 4.2-inch screen, rather than a 3.3-inch one. You also get a much-...
I prefer the look of the DS version, especially on a DSI XL. The DS version has a grittier feel, combat grid looks better (closer together) and is zoomed in a bit (bigger sprites) But the 3DS version has some nice improvements, like the map and the way you push objects around....
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2011 - The Nintendo 3DS; the first handheld console that gives 3D Graphics without the use of any sort of 3D graphics is released; this console has backwards compatibility with the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi. This eighth generation console was to compete with the Sony PlayStation Vita. After...
Neverland Genre: RPG Players: 1 Release Date: DS 19th Oct 2010 25th Feb 2010 Series: Lufia Also Known As: Estpolis: The Lands Cursed by the Gods Reviews: Review: Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals (DS) Where to buy: Buy on eBay
It is an opportunity to hack it, translate the menus, buy in Japan and sell through ebay in the rest of the world. I could do the spanish version… michad says: November 13, 2008 at 10:47 am wowwwwww the dsi is cool i cant wait for it to come out in the USA im 10 but ...