Nintendo DSi-Kamera Betrachten Sie die Welt durch Ihren Nintendo DSi oder Nintendo DSi XL – mit den zwei Kameras, die in das System eingebaut sind. Doch Sie können nicht nur Schnappschüsse aufnehmen und sie im internen Systemspeicher oder auf externen SD Cards speiche...
Het Enhanced Sound System zorgt ervoor dat je muziek fantastisch klinkt, met of zonder hoofdtelefoon.Nintendo DSi Shop Zoals we eerder hebben aangekondigd, wordt de Nintendo DSi Shop in 2017 stopgezet. Deze onlinedienst voor de Nintendo DSi en Nintendo DSi XL is in 2009 van...
Not one to rest on its laurels, Nintendo regularly redesigns its gaming hardware and the DSi XL is the latest version of its portable console, the Nintendo DS.rnThe DSi XL is not intended to replace the 'normal' DSi, however. Instead, both models will remain available alongside each other...
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1 Nintendo DSi XL 2 Components 2.1 Front (while open) 2.2 Back (while open) 3 Features 3.1 Nintendo DSi Menu 3.2 Nintendo DSi Camera 3.3 Nintendo DSi Sound 3.4 Nintendo DSi Shop 3.5 DS Download Play 3.6 PictoChat 3.7 System Settings 4 Development 4.1 Beginnings 4.2 The Cameras 4.3 Present...
Achieve total immersion with dual large screens and 3D graphics with the red 2015 version of the 3DS XL Handheld Gaming System from Nintendo. The Nintendo 3DS is compatible with all 3DS and eShop games, as well as most DS and DSi games. Also, certain future releases will only be available...
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1983 FC/NES:第三代家用电子游戏机Family Computer,简称FC,也被称作Famicom;在日本以外的地区发售时则被称为NES,全称为Nintendo Entertainment System。因其外壳为红白两色,所以人们俗称其为“红白机”。平台上比较著名的游戏有《魂斗罗 Contra》,《超级马里奥 Super Mario》等等。FC的后续机种是1990年推出的Super Fam...
In the latter half of 2009, Nintendo revealed and subsequently released the Nintendo DSi XL in Japan. The handheld system was the fourth and final entry in the Nintendo DS franchise. As its name suggests, the Nintendo DSi XL is a larger version of the NIntendo DSi which had been released ...
Achieve total immersion with dual large screens and 3D graphics with the black 2015 version of the 3DS XL Handheld Gaming System from Nintendo. The Nintendo 3DS is compatible with all 3DS and eShop games, as well as most DS and DSi games. Also, certain future releases will only be availab...