If a providential whisper had told Murray at that momnet a hundred years ago (when a the age of 40 he agreed to edit the dictionary) that nine years after the work had started only the letters A and B would have been published, and that he would die at the age of 78 without having...
Nine Years For A and B 译文
Nine Years for A and B 九年遂成AB部(1) 克利斯朵夫·里克斯[1]著敏译 塞缪尔·约翰逊博士[2]是最伟大的词典编纂人。詹姆斯·默雷则是编写了最伟大词典的人:从1879年直到1915年去世,他把大半生都献给了《牛津英语大词典》的编纂工作。 约翰逊博士比谁都更有资格说词典编纂者是个“无害的苦工”[3]。他...
Nine Years for A and B 为了A和B条目花费了九年的时光 By Christopher Ricks 克里斯多夫·瑞克斯 ? Dr. Johnson was the greatest man who made a dictionary. James A.H. Murray was the man who made the greatest dictionary: From 1879 to 1915, when he died, he devoted his life to the creation...
研究生英语课翻译NineYearsforAandB 研究生英语课 翻译Nine Years for A and B,研究生英语课 翻译Nine Years for A and B,研究生英语课,翻译Nine,Years,for,A,and,B 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 taxol789 分享于2015-10-01 02:11...
Nine Years for A and B - Christopher Ricks PAGE 15 Unit Two Nine Years For A and B Christopher is a British critic. The present text is his review of Caught in the Web of Words, a biography of James A. H. Murry by his granddaughter K. M.Elizabeth Murray. ——— About the text...
首先,“nine years”是一个英文短语,由“nine”和“years”两个单词组成。“nine”表示数字9,“years”表示年数,因此整个短语直接翻译为“九年”。 进一步地,这个短语常用于表示时间长度,特别是在描述年龄、经验、历史事件的时间跨度或是某个特定时间段时经常会用到。例如,在谈...
高英- Unit Two Nine Years for A and B 练习答案.pdf,Nine Years for A and B - Christopher Ricks 1 Unit Two Nine Years for A and B Key to Exercise II 1. impart 2. drudgery 3. pertinacity 4. vista 5. magnitude 6. slippery 7. converged 8. faltered 9. withho