NIKON尼康SB-800 使用说明书.PDF,Pt Flash com focagem automática SB-800 Manual de instruções Conteúdo Preparação · Introdução4-6 · Conselhos para a utilização do flash7 · Grupos de câmaras e modos de flash disponíveis 8-9
The SB-800 has a rated GN of 125' at ISO 100 with the zoom head set to 35mm. At full manual power it has a recycle time of 6 seconds (alkaline) or 4 seconds (Ni-MH) and provides 130 shots (alkaline) or 150 shots (Ni-MH.) ...
AF模式: Single Area AF; Dynamic AF (最近物体优先功能可选); 可选五个对焦点之一; Single Servo AF (S); Continuous Servo AF (C); Manual focus (M) 对焦点锁定: 按对焦锁定AE-L/AF-L 按钮或者在(S)AF模式下轻按 快门可锁定对焦点 测光系统: 3D 十区域矩阵测光; 中心重点测光; 点测光 测光范...
Nikon SU-800 产品说明书 SU-800 specs Transmission mode Infrared communication Transmission range SB-800/SB-600: approximately 20 m (66 ft.) SB-R200 : approx. 4 m (13 ft.) along the optical axis Number of channels F our Number of groups Three Number of transmissions ...
Nikon has created a Supplementary Firmware Update Manual that includes all these Firmware 2.00 changes. This document and the file with the latest firmware can be downloaded here: The firmware changes have been incorporated into the ...
SB-800SB-600SB-R200 e3P.326 A • ISOCP.110 •C P.299 • A2P.313 •Af7 P.339 117 e 1II e Z 2 1/320 F9 118 A e U • • SHOOT CUSTOM •UZ OFF 1/20001/50 F3.5F22 A eP.426 119 f 1I f I Z 2 •1/8000SHOOT o CUSTOM 30qp • P.127 120 3 • 1/...
Since the original post, I’ve done some more research. The user manual for the Z7ii explicitly states that the SB-700 is not compatible with it. Interesting. It worked on my Z7 (gen 1) without issues, so I find it a bit strange it's NOT compatible with the Z7 II. I was usin...
Non-TTL auto: Supported flash units include Speedlight SB-900, SB-800, SB-28, SB-27 and SB-22S Range-priority manual: Available with Speedlight SB-900 and SB-800 Flash modes Front curtain sync, slow sync, rear-curtain sync, red-eye reduction, red-eye reduction with slow sync ...
The FTZ works very poorly with manual-focus F, AI , AI'd and AI-s lenses, having no diaphragm control meaning you have to open and close the diaphragm manually for precise focus before and after each shot, has no exposure or EXIF data so you have no in-finder indication of aperture ...
FlashcompensationisalsoavailablewithSB-400,SB-800,SB-600, andSU-800flashunits是99). 由市全国史二3 Flashcompensationcanalsobeadjustedbypressingthe个(E到and四 buttonsandrotatingthecommanddialuntilthedesiredvalueisshown intheviewfindercrshootinginformationdisplayTheviewfinderdisplay isilustratedatright. EE得 Fla...