NIKON尼康SB-800 使用说明书.PDF,Pt Flash com focagem automática SB-800 Manual de instruções Conteúdo Preparação · Introdução4-6 · Conselhos para a utilização do flash7 · Grupos de câmaras e modos de flash disponíveis 8-9
拜股溝大神之賜,我在網路上找到這份閃燈中譯說明,這是我目前看過解釋最清楚的文件了,特別著重在閃燈測光模式的說明 (離機閃的設定請參考原廠說明書) 。不過原文是使用舊款D200及SB-800作為範例,加上經過翻譯,如果可以的話還是建議儘量閱讀原文,並且一定要利用自己的設備實驗看看,說不定能悟出更高竿的閃燈用法。
The SB-800 has a rated GN of 125' at ISO 100 with the zoom head set to 35mm. At full manual power it has a recycle time of 6 seconds (alkaline) or 4 seconds (Ni-MH) and provides 130 shots (alkaline) or 150 shots (Ni-MH.) ...
Optional accessories include: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery (EN-EL3), Multi Charger (MH-19), Quick Charger (MH-18), AC Adapter (EH-5), Speedlight SB-800/600, Nikon Capture 4 (ver.4.1) Software, Semi-Soft Case (CF-D7)0, Remote Controller (ML-L3). Product guides and documents User ...
Nikon SU-800 产品说明书 SU-800 specs Transmission mode Infrared communication Transmission range SB-800/SB-600: approximately 20 m (66 ft.) SB-R200 : approx. 4 m (13 ft.) along the optical axis Number of channels F our Number of groups Three Number of transmissions ...
Nikon has today announced its new top-of-the-range flashgun - the Speedlight SB-900. The new model features a Multi-step auto zoom covering a 17-200mm zoom range, three illumination patterns (standard, center-weighted and even) and automatically detects if you are using the Nikon FX or ...
Flash Information Screen –With a compatible optional Speedlight flash attached and turned on, such as the SB-5000 or SB-500, press the DISP Button repeatedly to access the Flash Information Screen showing the current flash settings, and then press the i Button to view and change the various ...
• Auto aperture with SB-800 and CPU lenses • Non-TTL auto with SB-800, 80DX, 28DX, 28, 27 and 22s • Range-priority manual with SB-800 Flash mode • Auto, Portrait, Child, Close-up: Auto, auto with red-eye reduction; fill-flash and red-eye reduction available with optio...
Nikon SB-700 <--- Nikon's best big flashSB-800SB-900Nikon SB-910 Review Nikon's most expensive flashSU-800 Remote Commander SB-R200 Macro Flash R1C1 Macro Flash System Obsolete FlashesThese are great for film cameras or obsolete DSLRs, but almost worthless except in non-TTL modes on ...
i-TTL flash metering for use with SB-5000, SB-910, SB-900, SB-800, SB-700, SB-600, SB-500, SB-400 and SB-300.Meter Range: LV 0~20 (spot meter: LV 2~20).Live ViewSingle-servo AF (AF-S); full-time-servo AF (AF-F) and Manual focus (MF)...