NIKON尼康SB-800 使用说明书.PDF,Pt Flash com focagem automática SB-800 Manual de instruções Conteúdo Preparação · Introdução4-6 · Conselhos para a utilização do flash7 · Grupos de câmaras e modos de flash disponíveis 8-9
10 預 備 16 17 18 22 19 20 21 READY 23 FLASH 24 25 16 閃光燈頭俯仰角度尺 (第100頁) 21 同步終端 (第93頁) 利用連線方式把SB-800連接到其 17 模擬照明按鈕 (第66頁) 他遙控閃光燈的同步終端作非TTL 在拍攝照片前按下此按鈕可以重複 多重閃光操作。 發出閃光以檢查照明的情況及在主 22 LCD屏...
Nikon SB-800.This free website's biggest source ofsupportis when you usethese links, especially this link to theSB-800 at eBay; (seeHow to Win at eBay), when you getanything. Thank you! Ken. Nikon Flashes Compared. How to Use Wireless Flash Control. ...
17. 為何在室內使用閃燈攝影時,總是要把相機調整手動模式? 摘要:在低光源的室內拍照時,請將相機調成M模式與後簾同步。 18. 不同環境亮度下的閃燈設定全攻略
SU800 SB600 白平衡FLASH JPG格式※※ 本帖最后由 鲁班弟子 于 2019-10-24 04:27 编辑 登录后可直接显示原图 制造商:NIKON CORPORATION型号:NIKON D80光圈:f/2.8焦距:50mm曝光时间:1/20ISO感光度:200 (0) (0) 只看该作者 不看该作者 加入黑名单 举报 返回顶部 个人图文集 个人作品集 第...
8.) The -7º setting of the SB-800 helps for severe close-ups. 9.) Not really Tupperware but looks like it. You can buy oneherefor $17 if you want it for theSB-600. 10.) This means the flash can pop off a continuous light for about a second to give you a bad idea of ...
SC-30 TTL cord connects SU-800 to SB-R200 for TTL operation. SJ-2 Color Filter Set, a total of 20 filters in 8 models are provided.Dedicated Adapter Ring UR-5 for use with the AF Micro-NIKKOR 60mm f/2.8D Nikon Inc.1300 Walt Whitman Road Melville NY 11747 • 1-...
Optional accessories include: Rechargeable Li-ion Battery (EN-EL3), Multi Charger (MH-19), Quick Charger (MH-18), AC Adapter (EH-5), Speedlight SB-800/600, Nikon Capture 4 (ver.4.1) Software, Semi-Soft Case (CF-D7)0, Remote Controller (ML-L3). Product guides and documents User ...
But here, we are speaking here only about direct flash. GN mode: (NOT part of TTL BL) The purpose of including GN mode here is to explain the D-lens distance info effect, for the obvious comparison above (SB-800 menu shown here). GN mode is a manual flash mode, but it computes ...