Nikon pushed the SB-26 with the N90s when new, and the SB-25 with the N90. All Nikon flashes work with the N90, except the newest i-TTL only models like the SB-400.Feel free to use any old flashes like the SB-16, SB-22, SB-23, and SB-80DX. ...
3SB-800SB-600 4AAASB-800 AACPU A 5SB-800AA CPU A 6e1P.3251/250 FP 7CPU l A SB-800 SB-600D3 e3P.326 193 A TTL SB-30 SB-271 SB-28SB-23 SB-22S SB-80DXSB-26SB-292 SB-50DXSB-22 SB-28DXSB-25SB-21B2 SB-20 SB-24SB-29S2 SB-16B SB-15 A G REAR 1D3SB-27TTLTTL SB...
体积: 144 x 116 x 80.5 mm 重量(不含电池): 780 g 选配附件: 多功能电池盒:MB-D100 锂电池:EN-EL3 充电器:MH-18/19 交流转换器:EH-5 CompactFlash Cards 闪光灯:SB-80DX/SB-28DX/SB-50DX "Nikon Capture3" 控制软件 相机包:CF-D100 Nikon View 5 软件光盘随机...
SB-900SB-800SB-700SB-600D4 e5325 0 A = mISO100SB-800l 38ISO10020ISO100F5.6 385.6=6.8m ISO21.42 ISO200SB-800F5.6385.61.4= 9.5m AAAA AACPU A 193 A A SB-30/ SB-271/ SB-28/SB-23/ SB-22S/ SB-80DX/SB-26/SB-292/ SB-50DXSB-22/ SB-28DXSB-25/SB-21B2/ SB-20/ SB-24SB...
有关详细信息,请参阅闪光灯组件的说明书。若闪光灯组件支持CLS,则请参阅CLS兼容数码单镜反光照相机的相关部分。在SB-80DX、SB-28DX和SB-50DX说明书的“数码单镜反光照相机”类别中未包含D7500。 若在照相机处于j、%和u以外的拍摄模式时安装了另购的闪光灯组件,即使在内置闪光灯无法使用的模式下,另购的闪光灯...
Based on the world-class F-mount, the camera accepts the full range of AF Nikkor lenses, as well as a variety of Speedlights including the latest SB-80DX for excellent D-TTL performance. Nikon digital SLRs set the world standard, and the D100 advances the application and potential of the...
5SB-900SB-800AA CPU A 6e1P.3261/250 FP 7CPU l AWG-AS1 WG-AS1SB-900D3X SB-900WG-AS1 SB-900 A SB-900 SB-800SB-600D3X e3P.327 190 A TTL SB-30 SB-271 SB-28SB-23 SB-22S SB-80DXSB-26SB-292 SB-50DXSB-22 SB-28DXSB-25SB-21B2 SB-20 SB-24SB-29S2 SB-16B SB-15 A ...
Nikon Speedlight SB-80DX (D100) Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8 - Tried as an alternative to my Nikon 10-24 DX, but coma was bad at f2.8 on my star shots, returned it. 1.4x (AF-S TC-14EII) (Sold to Phil) Nikon D7200 New 1/16, replaced the old D7000 - then ...
Note: The "GN" ratio mode of the SB-700 is not supported.Non-Compatible FlashesAny older generation Nikon Flashes as Remote Units Such as: SB-300 SB-80DX SB-80 SB-28DX SB-28 SB-50 any other Speedlight not listed aboveBASIC TRIGGER MODE: Almost all cameras and flashes are compatible ...
As seguintes unidades de flash podem ser utilizadas nos modos não TTL automático e manual.Outras Unidades de Flash Unidade de flash SB-80DX, SB-28DX,SB-28, SB-26, SB-25,SB-24 SB-50DX 1SB-30, SB-27 2, SB-22S, SB-22, SB-20, SB-16B, SB-15SB-23, SB-29 3, SB-21B ...