Speedlight SB-80DX:为Nikon传统/数码SLR而设计,包含了SB-28/SB-28DX的全部功能,是目前Nikon Speedlight的顶级闪光灯,其主要特点是:闪光指数:56/38m (ISO 100,105mm/35mm); 具有3D多分区平衡填充闪光能力; 配合D1/D100系列SLR具有D-TTL能力; 内置反射板; 内置广角扩散片,闪光涵盖范围达14mm; 具有...
N90s Flash Suggestions Nikon pushed the SB-26 with the N90s when new, and the SB-25 with the N90. All Nikon flashes work with the N90, except the newest i-TTL only models like the SB-400.Feel free to use any old flashes like the SB-16, SB-22, SB-23, and SB-80DX. ...
B) D-TTL- early digital cameras, 1999, D1 series and D100 (and D2 family is backwards compatible). Flash models ending in DX were D-TTL flashes: SB-28DX, SB-50DX, SB-80DX. Also the SB-600 and SB-800 were backwards compatible with TTL, D-TTL, or iTTL. Film surface reflection d...
体积: 144 x 116 x 80.5 mm 重量(不含电池): 780 g 选配附件: 多功能电池盒:MB-D100 锂电池:EN-EL3 充电器:MH-18/19 交流转换器:EH-5 CompactFlash Cards 闪光灯:SB-80DX/SB-28DX/SB-50DX "Nikon Capture3" 控制软件 相机包:CF-D100 Nikon View 5 软件光盘随机...
Nikon Speedlight SB-80DX (D100) Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8 - Tried as an alternative to my Nikon 10-24 DX, but coma was bad at f2.8 on my star shots, returned it. 1.4x (AF-S TC-14EII) (Sold to Phil) Nikon D7200 New 1/16, replaced the old D7000 - then ...
With Speedlights such as the SB-80DX and SB-50DX mounted, the D2xs also supports D-TTL flash control. Compatible with an extensive selection of Nikkor lenses In addition to the expanding line of DX Nikkor lenses designed specifically for Nikon digital SLR cameras, many of the conventional AF ...
newestSB-600andSB-800flashes, and any older flash is incompatible with any mode you actually care about. Just donate your newSB-80DXor whatever to charity and get anSB-600andSB-800to take advantage of any of this with the newest cameras. The new flashes are completely compatible with older...
As seguintes unidades de flash podem ser utilizadas nos modos não TTL automático e manual.Outras Unidades de Flash Unidade de flash SB-80DX, SB-28DX,SB-28, SB-26, SB-25,SB-24 SB-50DX 1SB-30, SB-27 2, SB-22S, SB-22, SB-20, SB-16B, SB-15SB-23, SB-29 3, SB-21B ...
D100系列与Nikon出产的SB系列闪光灯相配,但需要使用新出品的SB-28DX,SB-50DX或SB-80DX才能有D-TTL功能。最高快门同步速度为1/180秒。 随机包装的还有D100说明书,用于浏览和拷贝相片的Nikon View 5软件光盘,视频电缆,相机背带,快速充电器和EN-EL3 1400mAh锂(Li)电池。