Nikon D80 / D200 / D70 / Canon 20D / 30D Noise and Resolution Shootout Camera LCD Monitor Comparisons, featuring the D80 and D200. WHICH SHOULD YOU GET? (see also myD80 versus D70 and D50 Comparison.) Easy answer:They both give the same image quality. You pay extra for minute convenien...
6000蚊预算唔系太买到Nikon D80或者D200. D200净系机身都唔止6000蚊 D80机身都过5000 得翻几百蚊买唔到甚么好镜头.要Nikon的话只可以拣D60 但系D60又冇机身摩打 配镜头选择小 对焦点又小 影动态唔方便 唔系好建议买. 400D己停产 跟机镜亦麻麻 建议可以买Canon 450D套装 已包埋一支18-55mm f3.5-...
(北京) D80<D200<D300 赞 回复 牛牛 2007-12-05 18:31:12 看你自己的水平 D300是200的后续机型 D80级别低一些 如果资金充裕就考虑D300 如果初学摄影 现在D80的性价比很高 配几个好镜头 对速度要求不高的话可以考虑 赞 回复 [已注销] 2007-12-05 21:46:28 [内容不可见] 赞 回复 ...
Bateriile:Aceiasi acumulatori litiu-ion EN-EL3e ca la D200. Sufixul "e" semnifica prezenta in interiorul acumulatorului a unui sistem electronic de control al incarcarii sale. EN-EL3e functioneaza atat cu D80 cat si cu D70, D100 si D50, dar pentru ca sa functioneze, D80 are neapar...
尼康D200 ¥7999.00京东 微信扫码购买 相机画幅:半画幅 相机像素:1000万 相机类型:单反相机 对焦点数:- 查看完整参数 基本性能概况性能评测 >> 查看性能评测 基本参数完整参数 >> 传感器像素更高的像素数意味着相机能够捕捉更多细节,但是像素数并不是决定图像质量的唯一重要因素。1000万 ...
Nikon尼康D5300 D3200 D90 D80单反相机学生入门数码半画幅二手数码相机/镜头套机 尼康D200 机身+50 F1.8 D镜头 9成新 已选 尼康D200,机身+50 F1.8 D镜头,9成新,1个 送至 北京朝阳区三环到四环之间 评价 *** 商品介绍 规格参数 售后保障 包装清单 商品参数 服务承诺 京东商城向您保证所售...
Specifications: Use: Camera Rechargeable: Yes Volts: 7.4V Compatibility: Nikon D50, D70, D70s, D80, D90, D100, D200, D300, D300S, D700 Battery Capacity: 1800mAh Warranty: 12 months Features: |Nikon D3100 Video| **Reliable Performance for Your Photography Needs** Capture every moment with co...
email or copy it to anyone for any reason. Its OK to make one print for your camera bag, which is the only permitted use of this PDF. It took me two months to write this D200 Users Guide. I work for tips. If you find it as helpful as a book you might have had to buy or a...
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