Nikon D200 vs Nikon D60 Nikon D200 Nikon D60 设计光学电池功能 38 分 34 分 为什么Nikon D200优于Nikon D60? 对焦点多8个 ?11vs3 防风雨密封(防溅) ? 1.67x更高的连续驱动模式数据 ?5 fpsvs3 fps 具有自动对焦追踪功能 ? 有一个内置对焦马达 ? 最大快门速度快50% ?1/8000 svs1/4000 s 在拍摄影...
Nikon D100 was replaced byNikon D200. You may also be interested in these comparisons: Nikon D200 vs Nikon D100 Nikon D200 vs Nikon D60 Nikon D60 was replaced byNikon D5000. You may also be interested in these comparisons: Nikon D5000 vs Nikon D60 ...
Nikon D200 Nikon D80 设计光学摄像电池功能 39 分 32 分 为什么Nikon D200优于Nikon D80? 防风雨密封(防溅) ? 7.06%更高的百万像素(主摄像头) ? 10.92 MPvs10.2 MP 1.67x更高的连续驱动模式数据 ? 5 fpsvs3 fps 59 ISO 更高的低光照 ISO(DxOMark) ...
相机画幅相机最重要的参数之一,更大的传感器将捕获更多的光,从而改善低光性能、动态范围和图像质量。半画幅 对焦点焦点越多,在选择要对焦点构图时就越灵活。3 快门速度更快的最大快门速度可以拍摄快速移动的物体而不会出现模糊。1/4000s 连拍速度快速连拍对于捕捉动作镜头很有用。3.0 fps ...
Nikon D300 and 18-200mm VR DX.The D300 is an evolution of the D200, now with a 12MP DX sensor and 6-8 FPS for $1,800. $1,800 oddly is a price increase $300 over the D200. The D300 replaces the D200. Nikon's press release on the D300.Nikon D40x and 18-55mm DX II....
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Nikon D70s Nikon D200 Nikon D300 Nikon D700 Nikon 1 V1 +53 more Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain Forum ‹ Previous 1 2 Next › Threaded viewKeyboard shortcuts: FForum MMy threads You may also like Packing light: early samples from the Nikon Z50II Jan 13, 2025 DPRe...
Nikon D60 27 Compare Nikon D40 26 Compare Nikon D3100 37 Compare Nikon D3000 27 Compare Nikon D50 26 Compare Nikon D80 26 Compare Nikon D200 29 Compare Nikon D3200 45 Compare Nikon D90 37 Compare Nikon D70 26 Compare Nikon D40X Alternatives in Mirrorless Cameras It would al...
[บอร์ดเข้ากันได้]พร้อมวงแหวนอะแดปเตอร์, อะไหล่สำหรับNikon D40, D40X, D60, D90, D100, D200, D300, D500, D600, D610, D700, D750, D800, D810, D810 10 A...
You're OK with a D300, and usually OK with a D200.Forget it with a D40, D40x, D60 or D70. Their slightly smaller flashes don't reach high enough to clear the lens at 1:1.You're fine with a shoe-mount flash.It's silly to spend this much money on a specialized micro lens and...