1000mm f/6.3 Black Nikon Rangefinder Lens with Nikon Reflex Housing and Black Nikon S2 The RAREST production Nikon Rangefinder Lens 100cm/6.3 Nikkor serial numbers are believed to have started at 100631, making 100634 an extremely early example of the Type 1 100cm lens. The lens shade is rev...
unit : mm Related Products NIS-Elements NIS-Elements L Select Your Region and Language Products and Promotions may differ based on your selected Region. Americas enEnglish esEspañol frFrançais prPortuguês Europe & Africa enEnglish deDeutsch ...
This lens has basically only three weaknesses. First, it’s an F-mount lens. While it can be mounted on new Z mount cameras via the FTZ adapter, its AF will work best on bodies like the Nikon D6 or D500. Secondly, it is “only” 300mm. This makes it hard to recommend as a ded...
FujiFilm 的Fotonex1000ix。 另一类为相机生产商生产的相机,除楼顶介绍的Minolta VECTISS-1外,Canon 、Nikon,它们开发的APS相机是在原有135相机系统上加以改造后成为APS相机 ,最大的特点是除特别为APS设计的Lens外,可以使用原135系统的所有Lens。 如Canon的EOS1X,Nikon的PRONEA 600I。 APS问世以来受到了欧美国家摄...
Noct来自拉丁文Nocte(夜间),所以有夜之镜的说法。我非常赞同Ken Rockwell这个偏执狂和半疯子对此头的评述(虽然他很多话我都不敢苟同),"If you need this you already know it. It is a very special purpose lens. If you don't know why you need this, don't buy it....
NIKON D750 + 200-500mm f/5.6 @ 500mm, ISO 100, 1/1000, f/5.6 When traveling, one can lock the lens at its shortest length of 200mm using a switch on the side of the lens barrel, as pictured below. Similar to the zoom ring, the focus ring is also nice and thick, which can ...
Because it can't read the set aperture EXIF data only reads the maximum aperture set in Non-CPU Lens Data, never the actual aperture you used. With fast manual-focus lenses like the NOCT 58mm f/1.2 AI-s on the FTZ, manual focus is easy because the finder accurately shows the very ...
Noct来自拉丁文Nocte(夜间),所以有夜之镜的说法。我非常赞同Ken Rockwell这个偏执狂和半疯子对此头的评述(虽然他很多话我都不敢苟同),"If you need this you already know it. It is a very special purpose lens. If you don't know why you need this, don't buy it."...
nikon lens 标签:nikon lens 尼康反光罩2,Nikon Reflex Housing 2 Nippon Kogaku于1956年用…
在F301/F501的镜头接口上的镜头释放锁上方,有一个很小的凸杆 (lens type signal pin),它可以感知AIS镜头底部的凹槽 (lens type signal notch),从而区分AIS镜头与 AI镜头,当AIS镜头焦距为135mm或更长时,可以使用Ph (高速程序曝光) 模式。AIS及之后的AF, AF-D, AF-S 镜头都有这个凹槽 (lens type signal ...