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The website of Nikon Corporation. Based on our corporate philosophy of "Trustworthiness and Creativity", Nikon provides innovative products and services, contributing to an abundant future for humanity.
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It also provides a laser-safe method for aligning lasers for applications such as TIRF. Status lights Microscope status can be viewed on a tablet and also determined based on status lights on the front of the microscope, enabling status determination in a dark room. Guidance for Operational ...
最新Nikon望远镜历史 尼康望远镜的历史 1917年,东京计器制作所的光学计量仪器部门和岩城玻璃制作所的反射镜部门合并,成为一家更完善的光学企业,并命名为Nippon Kogaku K.K.(日本光学工业株式会社)。然后又兼并了藤井镜头制作所,这奠定Nikon日后的发展基础,而Nippon Kogaku K.K.这一个名字一直沿用至1988年,只是...
Unravel more than 100 years of Nikon’s history and explore future possibilities by visiting serial contents in collaboration with WIRED, “Frontiers of Vision” that review a number of era-defining products, and our “Corporate History” that relates th
flag=S&rep_id=86460 Analysts’ Viewpoint The electronics industry’s inspection equipment market exhibits tremendous potential as manufacturers grapple with the challenges of miniaturization, sophisticated component integration, and rising customer expectations. Advanced inspection technologies not only enhance ...