要说本届颁奖典礼上的最大赢家,在雷哥眼里不是一人手握三座小金人的阿方索·卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón),也不是痛哭流涕发表获奖感言的Lady Gaga,也不是是新晋奥斯卡影帝拉米·马雷克(Rami Malek),而是NIKE ! 当天耐克公布了最新广告短片《Dream Crazier》,虽然只有90秒,但是却让人热血沸腾。 这支广告由网球女王塞雷娜...
For example, in the 2019 "Dream Crazier" campaign, Nike celebrated female athletes who have defied expectations and overcome barriers to achieve greatness in their sports. The ad featured Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and other female athletes, each narrating their own stories and accomplishments. ...
Dream Crazier (2019)And then, a year later, another one of the most phenomenal Nike ads came out. It was an extension of the 2018 campaign called, “Dream Crazier”. Serena Williams narrated this campaign bringing so much more energy into women’s empowerment! It featured some of the most...
话不多说,先看片子: 同样值得注意的是,耐克各个主题宣传活动,包括之前发动体育明星转发「Play inside, play for the world」的Campaign也极少对应到具体的产品售卖与宣传。主旨都是在通过广告叙事,传达品牌精神内核,这在市场强调「带货属性」的当下,显得颇为出奇。 与「按你的来」线上宣传配套的,则是耐克「运动换...
Dream Crazier shines a spotlight on female athletes who have broken barriers, brought people together through their performance and inspired generations of athletes to chase after their dreams. Read morehere. Share on Facebook Twitter Related Projects ...
The resulting shoe, the Air Trainer SC, was a massive hit thanks to its blocky, aggressive lines and the iconic accompanying Bo Knows campaign. More than 30 years later, Hatfield says, Jackson has finally warmed up to him. “We’ll be in a green room together before speaking on stage, ...
除了最新的这支《Dream Crazier》,耐克此前还发布过一支广告《Dream Crazy》,同样让人热血沸腾。主角就是这两年备受争议的前NFL球星 Colin Kaepernick,从而也使得这则广告毫无疑问成了今年美国最受争议的广告。2016年,Colin因为对种族歧视问题的不满,而在国歌演奏时单膝下跪,被许多政客批评为不爱国,到现在失业两年。