Nike Dream Crazier 案例简介:Cultural/Context information for the jury Despite the growing power of the female voice in America, women are still held to a double standard both in sport and in life. This is particularly evident in the media and the reporting of female athletes. So when Serena...
致敬那些为梦想不顾一切的「女疯子」! NIKE 这支主题为<Dream Crazier>的广告片,发布于今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼期间。 目前这支短片在 YouTube 上已经播放了 570 万次。 片中的配音,由女子网球运动员 Serena Williams 塞雷娜 · 威廉姆斯,也就是「小威」来完成。 里面出镜的每一位女性运动员,包括中国运动员李娜在内...
来源:4A广告网(ID: AD4Anet) 转载请联系授权(微信ID:laodianzhuli) 中国有句俗话,女人都是水做的。但在现代社会,不少女性却是钢筋水泥做的! 为抗议这个社会对女性的偏见,今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼间隙,耐克推出最新广告片《Dream Crazier》,用一群“女疯子”,震撼了全场。 ▼ 如果我们流露情感 就会被骂「戏太多...
之前耐克在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的广告推出的《Dream Crazier》宣传广告,主题是一群敢于追逐自己的女疯子,近日NIKE推出该系列广告的中国版《做女人多简单》在生活中,我们女性总是被各种各样的标签化,“斯文点”、“女孩子不行,吃不了苦”、“学历那么高有什么用呢?还不如早点嫁人”。你的日常也是被这些三姑六婆的话语...
为抗议这个社会对女性的偏见,今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼间隙,耐克推出最新广告片《Dream Crazier》,用一群“女疯子”,震撼了全场。 ▼ 如果我们流露情感 就会被骂「戏太多」 如果我们想和男人同场竞技 就会被说成「疯女人」 如果我们梦想有平等的机会, 那就是「痴心妄想」 ...
Nike - Dream Crazier - by Wieden + Kennedy Ad Agency Wieden + Kennedy Brand Nike Nike - "Nike React" by Wieden + Kennedy Ad Agency Wieden + Kennedy Brand Nike Nike: " Until We All Win" by Wieden+Kennedy advertising agency Ad Agency ...
And now, it’s about to get even crazier--word has it that the biggest hip-hop artist in the world is about to make an appearance--climbing onto this rainbow colored launching pad in the shadow of the Flatiron Building-- standing room only, and if you miss it---you may miss out ...
For example, in the 2019 "Dream Crazier" campaign, Nike celebrated female athletes who have defied expectations and overcome barriers to achieve greatness in their sports. The ad featured Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and other female athletes, each narrating their own stories and accomplishments. ...
Dream Crazier (2019)And then, a year later, another one of the most phenomenal Nike ads came out. It was an extension of the 2018 campaign called, “Dream Crazier”. Serena Williams narrated this campaign bringing so much more energy into women’s empowerment! It featured some of the most...