Anyone directly involved in the design or conduct, oversight, or management of research involving human participants, including research site staff, back-up staff, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants who perform key study functions, should complete the GCP training. Non-study staff at the res...
国际GCP(NIDA)内容模块1中文翻译- Introduction(介绍)Introduction Contents >> 1 of 1 ➢Part 1: Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP)良好临床实践(GCP)简介 ➢Part 2: Good Clinical Practice Guidelines 良好临床实践指南 ➢Part 3: Other Federal Regulations 其他联邦法规 ➢Part 4: ...
在这种情况下,机构审查委员会可以选择联合审查、单独审查或接受其它机构审查委员会的审查结论。 This module provides an overview of the regulations governing IRBs. Many of the topics covered here are also addressed in other modules of this training program. Links to those topics are provided where releva...
2023年国际(NIDA)GCP内容模块2中英对照Institutional Review Boards(机构审查委员会/伦理委员会)Institutional Review Boards Contents >> 1 of 1 ➢Part 1:What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?什么是机构审查委员会(IRB)[在我国,并无机构审查委员会,国内对应机构是伦理委员会,两者承担的职能基本...
2023年NIDA-GCP内容模块2中英对照 Institutional Review Boards(机构审查委员会/伦理委员会)Institutional Review Boards Contents >> 1 of 1 ➢Part 1:What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?什么是机构审查委员会(IRB)[在我国,并无机构审查委员会,国内对应机构是伦理委员会,两者承担的职能基本相同...