NI-XNET Database Editor是一个小型的独立工具,用于创建和维护嵌入式网络数据库。编辑器用于配置基本网络,定义网络上交换的帧和信号,并将帧分配给发送和接收它们的ECU。按照Editing NI-XNET Databases启动NI-XNET Database Editor。图11.直接在NI VeriStand中编辑数据库启动NI-XNET Database Editor。 如果您想了解有...
The NI-XNET Database Editor helps you create and maintain embedded network databases. + Read More Note: Install programming environments such as NI LabVIEW or Microsoft Visual Studio® before installing this product. Downloads Supported OS
我可以在NI-XNET Database Editor中加载一些DBC或LDF数据库。但是,当我尝试加载特定的DBC或LDF数据库文件时,出现以下错误。 The database specified could not be loaded. Either it does not exist, or it is not a valid XNET database. 指定的数据库无法加载。它不存
Windows 版本 20.1 Preview 20.1 Preview 包含的版本 完整版 完整版 应用程序位数 64位 64位 语言 英文 英文 查看自述文件 NI-XNET Database Editor 20.1预览版 发布日期 2020/7/23 受支持的操作系统 语言 校验和 文件大小 60.85 MB 产品支持资源 ...
打开NI-XNET Database Editor,其位置在开始》程序》National Instruments»NI-XNET»Database Editor. 打开希望修改的数据库文件。 复制一份该数据库文件,选择File»Save As,则可以看到保存为 FIIBEX Database File (.xml) ,且为唯一选项。 这样就可以修改xml文件,并且在应用程序中使用这个数据库文件了。
The NI-XNET Database Editor includes an Easy view, where you can set the six most important parameters; the other parameters are then chosen automatically to obtain a functioning network. If you start with FlexRay, this is probably the method of choice. However, if you have an existing ...
The NI-XNET Database Editor shows a graphical overview of the frame. It enumerates the frame bytes on the left and the byte bits on top. The bit number in the frame is calculated as byte number x 8 + bit number. The maximum bit number in a CAN or LIN frame is 63 (7 x 8 + ...
Real-time processing of CAN, LIN, and FlexRay signal and frame data is crucial for accurate hardware-in-the-loop simulation and rapid control prototyping. LabVIEW applications for NI-XNET devices work on both Windows and LabVIEW Real-Time targets with little to no code modification, which simpli...
Real-time processing of CAN, LIN, and FlexRay signal and frame data is crucial for accurate hardware-in-the-loop simulation and rapid control prototyping. LabVIEW applications for NI-XNET devices work on both Windows and LabVIEW Real-Time targets with little to no code modification, which simpli...
从开始菜单打开NI-XNET Database Editor 导航至File>>Manage Aliases 。如果示例数据库尚未作为别名,请选择Add Alias。 导航至步骤1中指定的文件位置,然后选择数据库。 确认别名和数据库已添加到Database Editor中。也确认XNET Database Editor中别名的拼写和语法与可执行文件中引用的内容匹配。 重新运行可执行文件。