NI hardware services ensure success with application development as well as system configuration and maintenance for individual users as well as large facilities.
Provision of manual calibration procedures related to the installation of hardwares and software; Availability of free basic calibration certification for the measurement products of the company; Partnership between NI and Verizon Metrology in providing the calibration certificate service....
I have a LabVIEW application that uses shared variables. When I try to deploy the executable, I receive the following error: Variables deployment failed (error: -2147220721, MAX: (Hex 0x8004030F) The configuration database cannot be opened, possibly due
NI hardware service programs go beyond the included one-year warranty by offering additional time saving entitlements to help you avoid hassle, improve uptime, and maintain traceability at the lowest price.Service Program Options Hardware Warranty Our new hardware warranty provides you with one year ...
Required hardware drivers and any other device-specific software is described in the documentation provided by your hardware vendor. For more information, seeNI-DAQmx Support from Data Acquisition Toolbox. You can use PXI_STAR with theaddtriggerandaddclockfunctions. All supported PXI modules automatica...
先来厘清HIL的概念~ 硬件在环测试(Hardware in the Loop, HIL),是指将真的控制器连接仿真的被控对象(用实时仿真硬件来模拟),以一种高效、低成本的方式对控制器进行全面测试。 适合所有人的HIL测试系统:传统…
搜索列表并检查服务NIHostIntegrationAgent和NIHardwareService的状态是否设置为正在运行(Running): 如果不是,请右键单击相应的条目,然后从上下文菜单中选择“开始(Start)”: 重启您的电脑。 Mac系统 5. NIHardwareAgent 或 NIHostIntegrationAgent 服务未在后台运行 ...
Camera compatibility is determined by a number of factors, but the first step to determining whether a particular camera is supported with NI hardware and software is to determine the bus type. If you are still considering what camera to purchase and would like to make sure that you choose ...
1、HiL的定义 HiL(Hardware-in-the-Loop)硬件在环是计算机专业术语,也即是硬件在回路。通过使用“...
Enables timing and synchronization using NI hardware in VeriStand - ni/niveristand-synchronization-custom-device