NI Software OS Roadmap Software Support for CompactRIO, CompactDAQ, Single-Board RIO, R Series, and EtherCAT VeriStand and NI Linux Real-Time Base System Image Compatibility RF Toolkit and RF Hardware Compatibility C Series Module and CompactDAQ or CompactRIO Hardware Compatibility with LabVIEW ...
NI Software OS Roadmap Software Support for CompactRIO, CompactDAQ, Single-Board RIO, R Series, and EtherCAT VeriStand and NI Linux Real-Time Base System Image Compatibility RF Toolkit and RF Hardware Compatibility C Series Module and CompactDAQ or CompactRIO Hardware Compatibility wit...
NI Hardware and Software Operating System Compatibility Licensing NI Vision Software Other Support Options Ask the NI Community Collaborate with other users in our discussion forums Search the NI Community for a solution Request Support from an Engineer A valid service agreement or active software su...
Software Compatibility Hardware Compatibility Damaged Hardware This article will go through the troubleshooting steps to get a USB 2.0 device working.Note: You must log in as an administrator or have administrator privileges in Windows to install any NI software and hardware. Software Compatibility...
Create a VI that only opens and closes the FPGA VI and run it. Run another FPGA VI. FPGA Code Is Not Compiled Before Running Make sure that the FPGA VIs and their dependencies are compiled on the FPGA before running. LabVIEW and Real-Time Module/FPGA Module Compatibility Make sure that...
Starting in LabVIEW 2014, Xilinx Compilation Tools Vivado is required for Virtex 7, Zynq, and Kintex-7. All other chips supported in Xilinx Compilation Tools ISE 14.4 require Xilinx Compilation Tools ISE 14.7. Refer to the driver readme for more compatibility information. These targets support eit...
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Requirements and Compatibility OS Information Windows 2000/XP Windows Vista x64/x86Linux®Mac OS X Windows NT Driver Information NI-DAQmx Software Compatibility Visual C++Visual Studio . NET Comparison Tables Family Bus Analog Output Update Rate per Channel (S/s)Output Resolution Output Range (V)E...
nidaqmxsupports Windows and Linux operating systems where the NI-DAQmx driver is supported. Refer toNI Hardware and Operating System Compatibilityfor which versions of the driver support your hardware on a given operating system. Python Version Support ...
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