Blink UK now holds 14 NHS Trust contracts, making it one of the UK’s largest providers of EV charging solutions for the NHS. ### About Blink UK Blink Charging UK Ltd. is a leader in electric vehicle (EV) charging technology and services, enablin...
Unipart Logistics is supporting this by enhancing its fleet of sustainable vehicles across the UK with the aim of creating a long-term carbon neutral fleet. The new environmentally friendly vehicles offer the lowest level of carbon emissions to date and are being rolled out for dedicated use withi...
Address: Poole Hospital, Longfleet Road, Poole, BH15 2JB, Dorset Tel: 0300 019 4932/2866/2542 Email: [email address] Web: All UHD emails are accredited against the NHS DCB1596 Secure Email Standard – giving UHD emails a level of security equivalent to NHSMail ...
“We’re honoured to be able to help with our logistics expertise and global network to get much needed protective equipment to the NHS staff who are risking their lives to protect the public.” “Through our air cargo fleet and network on the ground in the UK, these vital face shields h...
"Purchasing for health gain" a phrase used to describe a strategic role for purchasing bodies which were established in 1990 as part of the UK NHS reforms. Is it an empty phrase, serving to hide the reality of purchaser's main task of controlling expenditure? Will the operational difficulties...
Chairman of the Local Government Associations Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, has released the following response to the recent National
However, while these additional online back-up solutions have been purchased and provided by a number of health-boards, they are not currently available to all GP practices across Scotland. Information usage & user satisfaction Perceived benefits covered four main areas the EMR provides useful ...
BSMHFTbeganlookingatdigitaldictationsolutions,mostofwhichinvolvedreplacing taperecorderswithdigitalrecorders.Butthiswouldhaveonlypartiallysolvedthe problemasdigitalrecordersstillhadtobephysicallyreturnedtotheoffice.Inaddition, purchasingawholenewfleetofdigitalrecorderswouldhavebeenveryexpensive. ...