to [email address] We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Information Governance Officer The Information Governance Department University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust Address: Poole Hospital, Longfleet Road, Poole, BH15 2JB, Dorset ...
We’re really pleased that the many well-executed actions undertaken over the last 18 months driven by digital technology and solutions, and a complete commitment towards employee safety and wellbeing has enabled Unipart Logistics and NHS Supply Chain to respond to the national crisis whilst maintain...
“We’re honoured to be able to help with our logistics expertise and global network to get much needed protective equipment to the NHS staff who are risking their lives to protect the public.” “Through our air cargo fleet and network on the ground in the UK, these vital face shields h...
BSMHFTbeganlookingatdigitaldictationsolutions,mostofwhichinvolvedreplacing taperecorderswithdigitalrecorders.Butthiswouldhaveonlypartiallysolvedthe problemasdigitalrecordersstillhadtobephysicallyreturnedtotheoffice.Inaddition, purchasingawholenewfleetofdigitalrecorderswouldhavebeenveryexpensive. ...