New complex salts [Pd(NH3)(4)][Pd(NH3)(3)NO2][CrOx(3)]center dot H2O I, [Pd(NH3)(4)][Pd(NH3)(3)NO2][CoOx(3)]center dot H2O II, and a series of solid solutions [Pd(NH3)(4)][Pd(NH3)(3)NO2][CoOx(3)](x)[RhOx(3)](1-x)center dot H2O III-V (Ox = C2O42-...
Catalytic oxidative conversion of aldehydes into nitriles using NH3 center dot H2O/FeCl2/NaI/Na2S2O8: A practical approach to febuxostatNitrilesIron saltAqueous ammoniaFebuxostatA novel approach to convert aldehydes into nitrites using NH3 center dot H2O/FeCl2/NaI/Na2S2O8 has been developed. Both alkyl...
SiO2 nanospheres with tailorable interiors by directly controlling Zn2+ and NH3 center dot H2O species in an emulsion processSiO 2 nanospheresTailorable interiorMicroemulsionTemporary templateOstwald RipeningFormation process of SiO 2 nanospheres with porous and single hollow interior. ZnO/Zn(OH) 2 ...
ObjectiveTo investigate the value of N-13-NH3H2O PMingChinaZhangChinaXinChinaHongChinaCaoChinaLiChinaZhaoChinaZhou-SheChinaGuoChinaQi-YongChinaNuclear Medicine CommunicationsHAN TT, DU M, ZHANG X, et al. Quantitative assessment of early liver fibrosis in rats using 13N -NH3 ~ ...