1. Focus on paying off the debt first. If you have an emergency, use your credit cards. Yes that will put you in a bit more debt, but only IF it happens. Meanwhile with each dollar you put toward the debt the lower your interest rate burden. For more:https://jlcollinsnh.com/2015...
even though the market is picking up. Right now, a 30 yr mortgage + taxes + insurance on a decent house would cost us about $100-200 more per month than we’re paying now in rent, and we’re getting a rent discount (see next point). And of that, interest is tax deductible...
CLEVELAND, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parker Hannifin Corporation (NYSE: PH), the global leader in motion and control technologies, today reported results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, that included the following highlights (compared with the prior year quarter): Fiscal 2025...
F-you Money: John Goodman v. jlcollinsnh How I failed my daughter and a simple path to wealth My path for my kid — the first ten years What we own and why we own it What we own and why we own it: 2018 The smoother path to wealth Putting the Simple Path to wealth into action...
20% Bonds.VBTLX(Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund) Bonds provide income, tend to smooth out the rough ride of stocks and are adeflation hedge. But during times of inflation and/or rising interest rates they get hammered. 5% Cash. Cash is always good to have in hand. Cash is also ...
Some contend it can over time.Bettermentmakes this case. I’m not sure I fully buy the premise, but I do like the way they use your new contributions and any dividends to make it happen efficiently. It is a bit more work, but if you like you can also do this yourself with your in...
You also don’t have to read very far to know I suggest thatall any of us really needare two of Vanguard’s funds: VTSAX for our stocks and VBTLX for our bonds. This is, after all,The Simple Path to Wealth. While many financial writers agree with the former, to my knowledge I am...
If you’re new/inexperienced/tentative/whatnot, then just knock out that debt. Just the feeling of being debt-free is amazing. You’d save whatever interest rate you’re paying on it and then you can focus entirely on investing your surplus and shaving your expenses. ...
“Being a Boglehead myself, I read theERE articleto see what he had to say. I had to sigh when I got to this: “Index investing is basically equivalent to a buy and hold strategy with very low turnover of a few large growth companies.” This is absurd. The S&P 500 is just one...