1. Focus on paying off the debt first. If you have an emergency, use your credit cards. Yes that will put you in a bit more debt, but only IF it happens. Meanwhile with each dollar you put toward the debt the lower your interest rate burden. For more:https://jlcollinsnh.com/2015...
Some contend it can over time.Bettermentmakes this case. I’m not sure I fully buy the premise, but I do like the way they use your new contributions and any dividends to make it happen efficiently. It is a bit more work, but if you like you can also do this yourself with your in...
F-you Money: John Goodman v. jlcollinsnh How I failed my daughter and a simple path to wealth My path for my kid — the first ten years What we own and why we own it What we own and why we own it: 2018 The smoother path to wealth Putting the Simple Path to wealth into action...
If by now you are tearing at your hair and screaming, “Fine, I’ll just put the cash in my mattress!” (Or bank account paying virtually nothing in interest), more bad news. Doing so will, short of a deflationary depression, almost assuredly guarantee a loss. (Cash is great to have...
It should be unproductive. While we’re talking about interest, let’s be sure this investment we are creating never pays any. No dividends either, of course. It should be immobile. If we can fix it to one geographical spot we can be sure at any given time only a tiny group of poten...
“Being a Boglehead myself, I read theERE articleto see what he had to say. I had to sigh when I got to this: “Index investing is basically equivalent to a buy and hold strategy with very low turnover of a few large growth companies.” This is absurd. The S&P 500 is just one...
You also don’t have to read very far to know I suggest thatall any of us really needare two of Vanguard’s funds: VTSAX for our stocks and VBTLX for our bonds. This is, after all,The Simple Path to Wealth. While many financial writers agree with the former, to my knowledge I am...
Just increase the percent in VBTLX. In the interest of full disclosure, I do still have a few other investments left in old 401k plans and from my many misguided attempts to pick stocks and fund managers. Boy howdy, I’ve made a lot of mistakes swinging for the fences. That’s a sub...