To the beneficiaries they never knew it was part of the support package. They revealed that, their competencies and capabilities have been developed and they are now assured of a continuous access of education and can now boast of the high level of confidence and self-esteem that have been ...
Action Learning Sets (ALS) are a widely used method under Action Learning that help individuals to develop critical reflection. By jointly engaging in cycles of planning, acting, reflecting and learning, researchers and practitioners learn from their actions and experiences and implement changes to org...
education nor the access, Recognizing the suicide epidemic over microfinance availability to the severely impoverished, 1. Endorses the creation of MFIs in countries that have over 10% of the population living on under $2 a day; 2. Designates these MFIs to be privately or corporately ...
The allocable donor assistance for health (DAH) increased steadily in 2010, and almost USD 8.1 billion has been invested in the health systems by donors [26]. African countries are thus heavily dependent on donor support to strengthen the health sector. Evidence shows that governmental healthcare...