NGL Meaning in Chat People useNGLin everyday chats the same way they use it in text. Usually, however, people say the whole phrasenot gonna lie, instead of saying the abbreviation. Examples of How to Use NGL Acronym Let’s take a look at an example whereNGLis being used in a conversa...
In this lesson, you will learn the definition and how to use this text abbreviation with ESL infographic and useful conversation examples in English. Key Takeaways NGL is a popular abbreviation meaning “not gonna lie,” signaling honesty or vulnerability The term is frequently used in informal ...
Abbr.Meaning IRL In Real Life Texting, Pregnancy, Social Media BRB Be Right Back Texting, Social Media, Internet Slang TBH To Be Honest Texting, Social Media, Internet Slang LMK Let Me Know Texting, Social Media, Text Messaging FYI For Your Information Texting, Internet Slang, Social Media IM...
阿姆斯特朗大胆创新,开创独特的艺术风格,他的艺术造诣和人格魅力,都为后世音乐天才们所敬仰。1999年,肯尼吉通过高科技,跨越时空,与阿姆斯特朗合作演奏了经典的的《what a wonderful world》,在音乐界传为佳话。
As the zaju of northern China flourished to the next dynasty, it divided the new genre — Nanxi, literally meaning"Southern Drama and Legend".( ) is one of the oldest existing forms of Chinese opera, w... A. Shaoxing opera B. Henan opera C. Beijing opera D. Kunqu opera 查看完...
( - Stanford Phrasal is a state-of-the-art statistical phrase-based machine translation system, written in Java. * [Stanford Tokens Regex]( - A tokenizer divides text into a sequence of tokens...
It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lin... 查看完整题目与答案 某市的红光大厦工程建设任务进行招标。有四个建筑公司投标。为简便起见,称它们为甲、乙、丙、丁。在标底公布以前,各个公司经理分别做出猜测。甲公司经理说:“我们公司最有可能中...